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黑夜会送来一只枭或蝙蝠与我作伴吗?Will the night send a howlet or a bat?

为什么和机器人作伴中会有危险?Why is there a danger in robot companions?

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那样她就有一种声音和她作伴。This made a noise which afforded her company.

你可以在未婚朋友之中,介绍一个给他作伴吗?。Can you fix him up with one of your unmarred friends?

乐园里的人会有少女作伴。Those in the Gardens will have maidens for companions.

我们觉得屋子里有宇航员野口聪一作伴一定其乐无穷。We think Astro Soichi would have made a great roommate.

我问了问老妈是否需要养条狗来作伴。I ask my Mom if she would like a dog to keep her company.

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即使阴雨作伴让我们流泪著欢笑。Even if accompanied with dreary day let us smile with teats.

让嫉妒、闭塞和消极的人与你作伴。Surround yourself with jealous, blocked, negative companions.

我去北方时你跟我作伴,我非常感谢。I'm thankful for your company when I travelled up to the north.

浪漫是不眠之夜有黄月作伴。Romance is a sleepless night with a yellow moon as a companion.

其实他很需要一班快乐的小伙子来陪他玩,需要活泼有朝气的年青人作伴。He needs a party of jolly boys to play with, or somebody young and lively.

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只要她还要他作伴,我就绝不会把他从她身边赶走。I never would have banished him from her society as long as she desired his.

一路上需要有他人作伴,因为同行者会给你坚持下去直到终点的勇气和力量。Walking with other people gives you the energy to keep on going until the end.

今天晚上,雪崩会埋上这个坑,你就可以和霍华德作伴了。This hole will close up in the night, and you'll be in it to keep Howard company.

哪,约瑟夫照料这房子,也许,再找个小伙子跟他作伴。Why, Joseph will take care of the house, and, perhaps, a lad to keep him company.

瑞达的丈夫出门一个礼拜,我想该过去和她作伴。Rita's husband is away for the week, so I thought I'd go over and keep her company.

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你给我作伴侣的女人给我那树的果子,我吃了。The woman you gave me for a companion, she gave me fruit from the tree and I ate it.

那位将夏娃赐给亚当作帮助者作伴侣的主,?的第一个神迹,就是在一次婚筵中施行的。He who gave Eve to Adam as a helpmeet, performed His first miracle at a marriage festival.

彼得把他的蒲公英藏起来,然后与那个浑身颤抖,受尽折磨的父亲作伴。Peter hid his dandelions , and accompanied the afflicted parent, who was all of a twitter.