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礼让有助于更安全驾驶。Courtesy makes for safer driving.

礼让有先行权的车子。Yield to vehicles who have the right of way.

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越来越多的汽车学会在道路上礼让行人。More cars yielding to pedestrians on the road.

我排队、我文明、我礼让、我快乐!I line up, I civilization, I comity, I am happy!

积极礼让的基本特征是它的自愿性。The basic feature of positive comity is its voluntariness.

当两辆汽车会车时,司机要互相礼让通行。When two cars pass each other, both drivers should politely give way.

而且加拿大的司机们开车都很礼让,我们一路上没有遇到过按喇叭的。And Canadian drivers are very polite – not one horn blast all the way.

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总是礼让长辈在先,晚辈居后。Let those who are older go first, the younger ones should follow behind.

总而言之,美国亟需奥巴马总统在2008年所承诺的礼让。In short, America is in dire need of the sort of comity Mr Obama promised in 2008.

当我们搭乘大众交通工具时,我们应该要礼让老人先坐。When we take public transportation, we should let an elderly person sit down first.

一个参加百码赛跑而有五码礼让的人,要跑105码或95码。A runner with a 5-yard handicap in a 100-yard race has to run 105 yards or 95 yards.

在一些大城市里,汽车和行人在遇到鸭群时,会礼让鸭子通过。In some cities, cars and pedestrians in the face of ducks, the ducks through comity.

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遵守各项叉车安全操作规程,文明礼让,确保行车安全。Abide every security regulation of forklift, civilization and comity , ensure vehicle running safety.

国际礼让是国家之间基于善意和礼节彼此给予对方的习惯和礼貌作法。Comity is the practice, or courtesy, between states of treating each other with goodwill and civility.

当我们在外国作客的时候,我们要始终把握自己的行为,保持礼让与克制。When we are guests in foreign countries, we should always conduct ourselves politely and with restraint.

文明驾驶、安全礼让,服从交通警察指挥,不开“斗气车”。Drive defensively and safely and comply with the commands of traffic police rather than drive aggressively.

在道路上,很少会看到车辆抢行的情况,人们大都会礼让并线的车辆。On the road, few will see cuts in the case of vehicles, it is courteous and the Metropolitan line of vehicles.

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因为话少、没有花招、不抢风头、维持礼让,所以在人群中就格外显得安祥、冷静。Since he speaks less, does no tricks, steals no show and does comity, he is peaceful and composed among peoples.

为拿下这个项目,竞争变得十分激烈,原本互相礼让的公司现在争得各不相让。The competition for the project was so fierce that these normally gentleman-like firms were taking the gloves off.

我们会提供您优质的产品和最好的服务,本着“热爱我们的工作,诚实,礼让,进取”。We will supply you quality products best service with the spirit of " love our work, honesty, comity enterprising".