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这一部分的布局相当细密。This part is fairly compactly laid out.

薄织的麻布是细密地编织成的棉织布。Batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave.

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薄织的麻布是一种细密地编织成的棉织布。Batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave.

由于乌木质地坚硬细密,色泽丰富悦目。Ebony hard because of detailed, color-rich eye.

紫檀鬃眼细密,木质坚重。Rosewood fine bristles eyes, strong heavy wood.

诗歌有一定的画面感,情思细密。语言显得有些拖沓,可以精炼一些。She has a subtle air, which can't express in words.

不经意抬头,看见他额上细细密密的汗珠。Inadvertently looked up, saw his forehead thin thick sweat.

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婴儿衫的褶裥打得针脚细密,很漂亮。The baby's dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches.

画功变得比以前更为细密、重要。Artwork has become far more detailed than it was in the past.

此外,大规模市场促进分工的细密化。The large market also provides for a finer division of labor.

表面有细密的绒毛,织纹一般不显露。The surface of fine hairs, texture is generally not revealed.

他的脑子也不小,但他的记性却不很精明,他的思想也不很细密。He had a big head, but memorized cloudy and thought imprecisely.

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衣服已经被清洗、熨烫好,衣服破损处有人用细密、精巧的针脚缝补好了。They had been washed and pressed and mended with tiny, exquisite stitching.

夜深人静的时候,你可以回忆过去的细密往事,细数过去的点点滴滴。Deep into night, you can recall detailed past, count your past little things.

一种颗粒细密的变质岩,可分成许多薄薄的、表面光滑的层面。A fine-grained metamorphic rock that splits into thin, smooth-surfaced layers.

尽管雪细细密密地下着,我们还是很高兴地去爬山。Although that afternoon it was snowing, we still happily hiked up the mountain.

据她所说,他对她很好,善于烹饪,讲卫生,心思细密。She said he was so good to her, cooked and cleaned, so thoughtful and attentive.

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通过细密的剖解,使读者看到灵魂最隐秘的真实。By fine of dissection, so that readers can see the true soul of the most secretive.

边缘表在单个表中表示XML文档的细密结构。Edge tables represent within a single table the fine-grained XML document structure.

发墨快,质地细密的特点,它既有实用目的也有装饰目的。Quick rising and fine-grained, it is used both for practical and decorative purposes.