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我在研究这里的砖雕啊。I'm studying this brick carving here.

大牛,你看那边墙上的砖雕。Daniel, look at the brick carvings over there.

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即雕刻包括了木雕、石雕、砖雕。The carvings include wood carvings, stone carvings and brick carvings.

塔座周围有砖雕歌舞伎,是辽代砖雕艺术的珍品。Tazuo surrounded by brick Kabuki is a Liao Dynasty brick art treasures.

在我大牛看过的塔里面就属它的砖雕最精美。Of all the pagodas I've seen, this one has the most beautiful relief carvings.

塔表面,用精美的砖雕、斗供、琉璃、飞檐装饰。Tap on the surface, with fine brick, for the fight, glass, decorative cornices.

砖雕艺术是中华民族传统民间艺术百花园中的一朵奇葩。Art of brick carving is an important component part of traditional folk art in China.

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砖雕是从汉代画像石演变而来的一种艺术,属于雕塑艺术的一部分。Brick sculpture evolved from figure stone of Han dynasty, it belongs to sculpture art.

苏州砖雕的纹饰和题材更是研究苏州明清装饰纹样的生动资料。Patterns and subjects of Suzhou brick engraving are vivid materials of Ming-Qing decoration patterns.

本书汇集了中国各地建筑雕刻中最典型、最精美、最具观赏性的木雕、砖雕、石雕艺术珍品。This book is a collection of the most typical and beautiful pictures of the wood, brick and stone sculpture.

发现于荥阳杜常村的砖雕墓,其时代属金代早中期。The sculptured brick tomb at Duchangcun, Xingyang County belongs to the early or middle period of Jin Dynasty.

江苏高淳县明清时期的砖雕艺术是该时期中国砖雕艺术的重要代表。Art of brick carving of Ming and Qing in Gaochun County, Jiangsu, was an important representative of that time.

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照壁、影壁砖雕具有浓厚的晋商人文气息和乡土风情。The brick carvings in Zhaobi and Yinbi have strong humanistic spirit and the local customs from Shanxi Merchants.

庙内碑石及建筑保存尚好,砖雕、石雕、木雕极为精细。The steles , and the preservation of the temple building is still good, brick, stone carving, wood carving is extremely fine.

一旦申请通过,那些从事牛肉拉面、临夏砖雕等特色职业的师傅将需要先通过资格考试再就业。If approved, people hoping to become Lanzhou beef noodles chefs and Linxia brick carvers must first pass the exam before qualifying to work.

目前,青城有大量的古建筑,其木雕、砖雕、石文化等,无不显现着中国传统文化的独特魅力。At present, there are lots of old architectures, Brickcarving and Stone Culture which reveal out special charm of Chinese traditional culture.

处在当心间顶部的砖雕藻井,被认为是双塔寺砖雕艺术和建筑艺术中的代表作。Be careful in inter-brick at the top of the caisson, is considered to be the twin towers brick temple art and architecture of the representative.

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许多祈求吉祥如意的石雕,砖雕,楹联也集中反映了居民趋吉避凶的心理需求。Many stone carvings, brick carvings and couplets to pray lucky and wishes also meet with the emotional request to pursue lucky and avoid disaster.

大门座西朝东,上有高大的顶楼,中间城门洞式的门道,大门对面是砖雕百寿图照壁。Block the door to the east of the West, there are on the top floor of the tall, middle- door City Road , opposite the door is a brick Baishou Zhaobi map.

例如,墙上的雕像自己正试图从墙里“长出来”,这类似于荷兰阿姆斯特丹学校砖雕品。The sculptures on the wall, for instance, want to grow out by themselves, similar to the brick sculptures of the 'Amsterdamse School' in the Netherlands.