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在客人面前要落落大方,不要畏惧退缩不敢见人。Hold natural and graceful, don't hold back before the guests.

在失望中仍流露出落落大方的风范是有风度的表现。Being gracious even in disappointment is a sign of good manners.

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伊丽莎白看得很是得意,不由得朝他那位朋友望了一眼,只见达西落落大方,若无其事。Elizabeth, with a triumphant sensation, looked towards his friend.

几乎所有的这些歌手演唱的都非常清晰,在舞台上表现得落落大方。Nearly all the singers sang very clearly and looked comfortable on stage.

这次俱乐部的主持人落落大方,积极的调动现场的气氛。The host was very natural and graceful , and inspired the spot atmosphere actively.

要避免像道尔夫人一样为了一杯75便士的茶而拳殴起来,该怎么做才是最落落大方的呢?So what's the most gracious way to avoid a Mrs Doyle-style punch-up over a 75p cuppa?

像大多数怕羞的男人那样,他非常爱慕思嘉这样快活,开朗而落落大方的姑娘。Like most shy men he greatly ad mired airy, vivacious, always-at-ease girls like Scarlett.

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只见这簪子雕刻古朴,簪头是一朵玖瑰模样,落落大方。I saw this hairpin carving simple, hairpin head is a rose pattern, be liberal and dignified.

方形造型,更显出这款蛋糕的落落大方,美味的享受尽收嘴里!Quadrate modelling, accentuated this cake of natural and graceful, delicious enjoy panoramic mouth!

初次见到云燕是在上海,侃侃而谈、落落大方是她给我的第一感觉。It was in Shanghai that I met Yunyan first. I was deeply impressed by her conversation and her manners.

那天下午,艾伦的举止落落大方又自然可亲,但直到现在,我好像还没好好谢过他。To this day I do not think I have ever properly thanked Alan for his grace and sweetness that afternoon.

大家都觉纳罕,但你却落落大方,彬彬有礼,只作视而不见。Everybody felt surprised, but your generosity allowed you to ignore everything, treating him with courtesy.

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近日,在世界文身大会柏林展会上,英国71岁老妇伊索贝尔·瓦雷落落大方地展示了自己的文身。Isobel Varley, 71, isn't shy of showing her tattoos, which she did at the recent Tattoo Convention show in Berlin.

不亏是大学生,谈吐文雅,一举一动都显得落落大方。No loss is a college student, conversation elegant, every act and every move all seem to be liberal and dignified.

感到害羞或是紧张时,人总会放不开手脚,做一些阻挡性的动作,这会让你的举止显得不够落落大方。When you feel shy or nervous, you tend to curl up and do barrier gestures, which make your posture seem more negative.

他们落落大方,爱冒险,好交际,外向,渴望被注意,故通常出现在娱乐界。Spontaneous, adventurous, sociable and extrovert, you crave attention. So fire people often appeared in the entertainment industry.

在宴会中若有男士对你攀谈,你必须保持落落大方的态度,简单回答几句即可。If a gentleman is approaching you for chitchat, you must keep you manner natural and at ease , it is ok to response by simple words.

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面试时,听从母亲的建议,许玉萌一改时尚前卫的打扮,以得体的装束和落落大方的临场表现赢得了评委的好评。Following her mother's advice, xu changed her fashioned dress with a more generous and polite one, winning the interviewers' high praise.

面试时,听从母亲的建议,许玉萌一改时尚前卫的打扮,以得体的装束和落落大方的临场表现赢得了评委的好评。Following her mother’s advice, xu changed her fashioned dress with a more generous and polite one, winning the interviewers’ high praise.

新娘手捧花该如何捧起,才能看起来落落大方,给人高雅脱俗的印象呢?Bride's change hands holds a flower how hold up, then can look very poised and dignified, joint body elegant and free from vulgarity impression?