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秦琼在街上边走边观赏花灯。QinQiong in the street walk while viewing lanterns.

其表演形式与“花灯”近似。The performance is similar to the "Festive Lantern".

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他们去那里看大型花灯还有猜灯谜。They go there to see giant lanterns and play quizzes.

不过,我还是特别喜欢我的小瓢虫花灯。However, I particularly like my little ladybug lantern.

你可以看到来自不同国家的花灯展示。You can see light displays from many different countries.

香港保持住最巨型的龙形花灯的记录。Hong Kong holds the record for the largest dragon lantern.

铭皓公司LED天花灯超强的内置散热片和OSRAM灯珠,保证了LED的使用寿命。Powerful built-in heat sink and OSRAM chip, to ensure the life of LED.

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秀山花灯是国家级非物质文化遗产。Xiushan festive lantern is a state-level intangible cultural heritage.

产品涵盖铝材石英天花灯、嵌渗透式筒灯、格栅射灯等系列。Our products cover quartz ceiling lamp, embedded downlight, Grille lamp etc.

人文资源主要有黎族织锦、崖州民歌、大安剪纸和黄流花灯。Human resources are the brocade, folk cliff, Daan paper-cut and Huangliu lantern.

街上会有很多各式各样的花灯,人们也会有很多的方式来娱乐自己。There are all kinds of flower lamps in the street and we have fun in a lot of ways.

万圣节的一个共同的象征就是杰克邻花灯,这是用南瓜刻出来的。A common symbol of Halloween is the jack-o-lantern , which is carved out of a pumpkin.

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这里人山人海,花灯种类繁多,设计新奇,造型各异。Here there were large, specially designed lanterns made a wide range of design, novelty.

演出是在弥渡地区举行,这是它的花灯工艺闻名。Performances were staged in the region, which is known for its decorative lantern craft.

关注秀山花灯,做好传承和保护工作是我们应尽的义务。We must pay more attention to Xiushan festive lantern, protect it, and carry it forward.

当天晚上,孩子们提着花灯高高兴兴地在街上游玩。During the Lantern Festival, children go out at night carrying lanterns with much pleasure.

中秋夜人们将谜条张贴在各种花灯之上,赏月猜谜。The audiences enjoyed the moon and the lanterns while solving the riddles in a relaxed way.

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瞧,那一盏盏五彩缤纷千姿百态的花灯真是令人大饱眼福。Look, which lights the lantern lights strange things was a very colorful feast for the eyes.

花灯的主题既有民间传说,又有节日习俗和各种吉祥物等。The lanterns sometimes come in a series about certain folklore, holiday customs, or lucky mascots.

如果说悠远绵长的功夫茶是潮州古城善养的气,那么花灯就是情牵了。As the long-lasting Kongfu tea is the spirit of the Chaozhou city, the festive lantern is the sentiment.