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他详细论述了这个问题。He -fied on the subject.

科学是论述客观事实的。Science deals with facts.

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个人论述是关于什么的?What was the essay about?

这的确是很令人警醒的论述。It's a startling argument.

这是一本论述日本相扑的书。This is a book on Japanese sumo.

论文共分五章进行论述。It is divided into five chapters.

这是他又一非常关键的论述。He is the sovereign representative.

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论文共分六章进行论述。This paper falls into six chapters.

对修约间隔亦有论述。Rounding interval is also discussed.

本文分五章展开论述。This article provides five chapters.

第二章论述孙中山的革命程序论。And after the revolution of 1911, Dr.

这部分是全文论述的重点和归结点。It is the key points of this article.

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植物学论述植物的研究。Botany deals with the study of plants.

如果全是论述题.我就死定了!If it`s all essay questions, I`m dead.

第二章侧重于对劳动权及其法律保护的论述。Part two focuses on the labour rights.

最后,论述这个系统的研究设计。Finally, exposit the design of this system.

她的书是论述密尔顿的定论性著作。Her book is the definitive works on Milton.

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演讲者充分地论述了这个问题。The speaker treated the subject very fully.

我们不会就理论和背景做太多的论述。We won't belabor the theory and background.

第一部分是对拐卖妇女犯罪的综合论述。Chapter one summarized the crime in general.