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我说正经的。I'm serious.

我是说正经的。I'm being serious.

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假正经。但是我饿极了。But I'm extremely hungry.

他看起来像个相当正经的人。He seems quite a decent fellow.

善使诡计而又故作正经的女性。A woman of artifice and prudery.

我们讲点正经事儿Do a bit more formal stuff here.

哦,抱歉。他故作正经的说道。Oh, excuse me, he said demurely.

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说正经的,我愿意到那里工作。Seriously, I wish to work there.

别瞎说了。我是和你说正经的。Don't talk rot. I'm being serious.

说正经的,你打算干什么。Joking apart, what do you wish to be?

有流言说她是一个不正经的姑娘。Gossip had it that she was a bad girl.

说正经的我是去那儿办一本杂志。Seriously, I'm going to edit a magazine.

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他以一种假正经的态度跟她说话。He spoke to her in a mock serious manner.

说正经的,我很愿意到你们公司去工作。Seriously, I wish to work in your company.

他对工作总是敷衍了事,不正经干。He always plays fast and loose with his work.

好正经架!人哋系道探索新事物!I am very serious! I am exploring new things!

贾斯汀很不正经,老是说笑话。Justin is so silly. He is always telling jokes.

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不要浪费时间了,你们有正经活要干。Stop fooling about,you have serious work to do.

那家伙在很多不正经的任务方面都有人际联系。That guy has connections in lots of sgety jobs.

人们很友好,尽管有些正经和不自然。People were friendly, if a bit stiff and formal.