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我有一个背囊。I have a backpack.

背上了那个背囊,如今他就样样俱全了。He was complete now with that knapsack on.

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现在会想要一个这样的背囊来伴随你的短途旅行吗?Prefer a kitbag in your short-distance journey now?

您可以背囊和睡袋在现在。You can take your rucksacks and sleeping bags in now.

一个背囊里究竟能装多少教育工具?A few belongings can exactly how many education tools?

这支部队的士兵要背85至100磅重的背囊。The soldiers in the unit carry 85-100-pound rucksacks.

收拾离乡远行的背囊。Tidy up knapsack of leaving the country distant journey.

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发出了停止前进,取下背囊的命令。The order was given to halt and take off their knapsacks.

但我们是淘金客,所以我们挖矿并在我们的背囊中装满金块。But we're miners so we dig and pan and break our backs for gold.

你可以找到袋子放入袋子位来增加背囊容量,而且会有4个袋子位。you find bags that add 1 or 2 more slots. there are 4 bag slots.

然后从背囊里取出我的礼物,我给他我最美丽的微笑。And then removed from the backpack of my gift, I gave him my most beautiful smile.

他们不占据背囊空位,但你只能携带10个备选。so they don’t take inv space. but apparently you an only hold 10 you’re not using.

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我用笔,用相机,我恨不能把这个温柔的星球装进我的背囊。I use a pen with a camera, I Hen Buneng this gentle planet stuffed into my backpack.

本公司主要生产和经营户外背包、背囊、双肩背包、旅行包、摄影包等。Our company mainly produces and operates outdoor backpacks, traveling bags, camera bags, etc.

一只靴的底脱落了,他只好从背囊上扯下一条绳子,把靴底跟靴面绑紧。The sole flapped off one boot, and he tied it to the upper with a piece of string from his pack.

此时背囊里又传出了嗡嗡声,一只蜜蜂飞了出来,它问骑士手中所持为何物。Again there was a buzzing from the knapsack and a bee flew out. It asked him what the matter was.

就在此时骑士的背囊里传来了嗡嗡声,一只蜜蜂飞到他耳畔轻声说道Suddenly there was a buzzing from the knapsack. A bee flew out and up to the littlest knight's ear.

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曾经停止一段孽缘,可你依然平心静气、谦背怨言。于是魔鬼伺机留下了他的背囊。You got out of a bad relationship, but you are still resentful and angry. You let the devil leave his bag.

介绍了我军新研制的军医背囊与卫生员背囊。This paper introduces the surgeon backpack and medical corpsman backpack which are newly developed for PLA.

你在这座繁华的城市里踌躇满志,但很显然,你的才华比钞票多,你的梦想比背囊鼓。In this bustling cities you smug , but it is clear that your talents more than money, your dreams than rucksack drum.