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他正在为一篇书评撰写故事梗概。He is abstracting a story for a book review.

玛丽为这篇书评写故事梗概。Mary abstracted a story for the book review.

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为了撰写一份传记类书评,我阅读了此书。I read this book for a biography book report.

书评家强烈地抨击那名作家的新书。The critics rapped the writer for his new book.

书评作者的批评没有必要这样欺侮人。The reviewer's criticism was unnecessarily insulting.

WAO网站上其它的变态反应学书评见此处。Find more allergy book reviews on the WAO Website here.

亨利的工作是读读书,写写书评。Henry's work is reading books and writing book reviews.

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没有什么能这么让人伤心,毫无意义,这么可笑——我写的书评。Nothing so sad, so futile, so ridiculous—a blurb from me.

多数的书评对这觉得这本书相当吸引人。Most of the critics found this book absolutely enthralling.

我写文章和书评挣额外的钱。I was earning extra money writing articles and book reviews.

试着在你的博客上写写书评,或者加入一个阅读俱乐部。Try writing a book review on your blog, or joining a book club.

除了一篇书评外,我从未针对这个主题写过其他的文章。I have never written on this topic except for a single book review.

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这一期我们特约钱教授写了一篇书评。For this issue we have specially requested Professor Qian to write a book review.

网站选择提供有一些成员或非成员的书籍,并带有简介和书评。Both members and non-members books are selected to list with their brief comments.

你可以边阅读,边做书评、翻阅、查字典等工作。You can make a note, browse, or even look up a word in the dictionary while reading.

陈达西委托一个网站为她写付费书评,她认为这可能带动了书的销售。She paid a site to review her book, which she thinks may have given her book a boost.

看到书评区有人在吐槽为毛不推那些女女。See book review area someone at vomit the slot as hair don't push those female female.

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我以前做图书馆馆长的时候,一般根据书评来作采购决定。In my previous career as a librarian, I used book reviews to make purchasing decisions.

作为一个爱狗的人,看了书评以后马上购买了此书。Being a person who loves dogs, after seeing the book review, I immediately bought the book.

多疑的书评人没有看穿这个骗局,对他们的工作表示赞同。Skeptical reviewers did not see through this deception and gave their approval to their work.