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将于周六开始的苏黎世亚洲的拍卖会将是到迄今为止规模最大的邮品拍卖会。Zurich Asia's auction, which starts Saturday, is its biggest to date.

年「邮品订购服务」申请表格填写付款资料。Please fill in your payment details in the 2009 LSOS Application Form.

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如阁下已是「海外订购邮品服务」之会员,请填上您的帐户号码。If you are already a OMOS member, please fill in your OMOS account number.

从今天开始,这些纪念邮品将在市内的各大邮政网点售卖。The philatelic souvenirs are now available at all the post offices of the city.

这是联合国首次全球发行中国生肖题材邮品。This is the first time that stamps portraying Chinese zodiac animals have been issued globally.

我问问明年的年册现在可以去邮品公司买了么,还有今年的年册什么时候去领?I ask next year's Year Book now to what products the company bought, and this year's list in time to get what?

本实用新型公开了一种邮政邮品及时洁信封,它由封套、封舌和盖舌组成。The utility model discloses an instantaneous cleaning envelope for postal articles, composed of a cover, a seal lip and a cover lip.

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接过杨利伟与聂海胜签名的“神七”搭载邮品珍藏册后,张剑飞表示,将来要陈列至长沙的科技馆。Receiving the autographed stamp album of Shenzhou VII from Yang Liwei and Nie Haisheng, Zhang promised to exhibit it in Changsha Science &Technology Museum.

据悉,该邮品分上下两套,结合了剪纸、泥塑和刺绣等中国传统工艺,在全球仅发行3万套。The animal images employ traditional Chinese handicraft techniques such as paper-cutting, clay figurines and embroidery. A limited amount set of 30000 will be released.

另外,还将结合航天重大发射事件编号发行主题邮品,满足社会公众的收藏需求。In addition, it will also issue themed postage stamps with the serial numbers based on the important space launch events, so as to meet the needs of the public for collection.

为纪念中国生肖邮票发行30周年,联合国邮政日前发行了以中国12生肖为题材的纪念邮品。The United Nations Postal Administration has issued 2 sets of commemorative stamps with the theme of Chinese zodiac animals to mark the 30th anniversary of the Chinese zodiac stamps.

据新华社报道,香港邮政16日宣布,将发售以"香港2009东亚运动会"为题的特别邮票及相关邮品。The Hong Kong Post Monday announced that a set of stamps and associated products, based on the theme of "Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games," would be released for sale, Xinhua reported.

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此次售卖的邮品分为六类,分别是售价为238元和158元的邮册、售价为15元的邮折、10元的纪念封、纪念片组合套装,以及售价为80元的集邮护照。The stamp albums are priced RMB 238 yuan and RMB 158 yuan respectively, stamp folder RMB 15 yuan, souvenir cover and souvenir sheet set RMB 10 yuan and philatelic passport RMB 80 yuan.

这个问题引起本人好奇和关注,并在日全食之后做了一些亡羊补牢的收集整理工作,这就是今天大家看到的这份2009年中国长江大日食邮品目录。This issue is my curiosity and concern, and I began to collect them once the eclipse day finished, which is today we can see the catalog of philatelic items related to 2009 solar eclipse in China.