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南京引种的银鹊树生长发育良好。The growth and development of T.

2006年在本地进行引种试验,大棚种植初获成功。Introduction test was succeed in greenhouse Ge-er-mu 2006.

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并对今后的园林植物引种工作提出了建议。Landscape Plants for the future introduction of the proposed work.

银鹊树的地理分布和引种。The geographical distribution and introduction of Tapiscia sinensis.

抚顺、铁岭、沈阳及其以南地区有引种栽植。Fushun, Tieling, Shenyang and south of the area planted introduction.

这种引种自秘鲁的马铃薯成为了欧洲崛起的推动力。Imported from Peru, the potato became the fuel for the rise of Europe.

并介绍了芦荟属植物的引种栽培工作。Finally, the introduction and cultivation of this genus are introduced.

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文章报道了地被菊在海南引种的适应性情况。The adaptability of ground-cover Chrysanthemum group in Hainan is studied.

大果沙棘是一个优良的灌木树种,近年来杨树局进行了引种繁育。Introduction and breeding of the species were carried through in recent years.

旨在为推广西洋参的引种栽培提供参考。The information provided references for American Ginseng planting in the region.

最后探讨了野生花卉植物引种栽培的应用前景。Finally, applied prospects of domesticating wild ornamental plants are researched.

对来自豫西南部山区的5种野生百合进行了引种栽培试验。Carried out cultivation test of 5 kinds of wild Lily in Moutainous area of South Henan.

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对6个狼尾草属牧草在珠海市斗门区进行引种试验。Test of introduced 6 varities of Pennisetum was conducted in Doumen area of Zhuhai city.

该研究叶铁皮石斛的引种、育种具有指导意义。The research had guiding significance in the introduction and breeding of D. officinale.

改革开放为国外引种提供了良好机遇。Reformation and opening door policy provide a very good opportunity to crop introduction.

异地引种试验进一步证明梅原变种及厚叶梅为两种不同的湿度生态型。Furthermore introduction experiments indicated that they were two kinds of humidity ecotypes.

对兜兰属植物的引种方法和栽培技术也进行了探讨。The introduction method and planting technique of Paphiopedilum was also discussed in the paper.

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樱桃带化病是从以色列引种樱桃园中发现的新病害。Cherry fasciated disease is a disease which was found in the cherry sapling imported from Israel.

梨新品种“黄花”,目前已被23个省、市引种栽培。Now the new pear variety, Huang Hua, has been introduced and cultured by 23 provinces and cities.

在福建南安市进行麻疯树引种育苗造林试验。The introduction experiment of Jatropha curcas L. is studied in Nan'an County in Fujian Province.