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有一个南郭先生,本来不会吹竽,也混在中间凑数。He would order 300 musicians at a time to play the Yu for him.

我们不会为了凑数而随意购买球员。We don't want to bring anyone in just for the sake of bringing.

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要是有什么客人到时不能来,托德就给请来凑数。If any guest failed at the eleventh hour, Todd was asked to dine.

我也没法品尝红酒或是香槟,大概就用姜汁汽水凑凑数吧。And I'll be toasting the New Year with ginger ale and not with wine or champagne.

食品生产商按要求列出成分表毕竟只为了凑数。Food manufacturers are required to list ingredients in order of quantity after all.

你心里只有那件免费的礼品,还会把它作为购买凑数商品的一个额外理由。You figure on buying just one or two things now, then returning to pick up a few more.

我更倾向于拥有24名选手,但是我不会单纯的凑数。I'd rather have 24 players, but I don't want to take players on just to make up the numbers.

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当然,你也不应该盲目去凑数,改造它,让它适应你自己所特有的情况。Of course, you should not blindly try to match the numbers. Adjust things to match your unique circumstances.

为了平衡名单上的许多伊斯兰基地组织,美国当局还挑了一些拉丁美洲的知名准军事武装来凑数。As a means of balancing out the many "Islamic fundamentalists" on the list, the United States included known paramilitary groups in Latin America.

随着2月12日,查尔斯达尔文两百年诞辰的临近,翻翻一本相对较薄却非缺乏深度或勉强凑数的传记是个不错的主意。As the bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth on February 12th approaches, it is good to welcome a biography which is relatively small, but in no way superficial or scanty.