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不希望有异姓,没亲朋好友…I hope we'll be in contact forever, my friends.

小张和小王因为感情好而结拜为异姓兄弟。Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang became sworn brothers because of their affection.

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卢卡斯还说,维奥拉常常毫无理由的殴打他和另一位异姓兄弟。Lucas reports that Viola regularly beat him and his half-brother, often for no reason.

就笔者来看,唐代异姓王作为一个特殊的群体,是对唐代政治的发展产生重要影响的。In my opinion, the Special Princes as a special group bring important influence on Tang dynasty's politics.

周代这种异姓嫡媵婚制,使周代女性地位一落千丈。This system of marriage and concubinage made women experience a disastrous decline in terms of their social position.

八旗异姓世爵世职教育,是清代民族教育的重要组成部分,是前所未有的设学施教。Education for hereditary eight-flag people is an important part of education system of Qing dynasty. It is unprecedented.

清初经历了叔王摄政、异姓大臣辅政的两种特殊的政治体制。There are two special political systems in early Qing Dynasty, namely regent system and senior ministers assistant system.

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李双枪的质疑让李彪十分难堪,他晓得李双枪的锋芒对准的是本人,由于他和“林中王”林振海是异姓兄弟。Let LiBiao very embarrassed, he knows LiShuang gun's sharpness alignment is himself, because he and the" forest "king YiXing brother.

这种分类也被用于那些称自己有异姓转化欲的人们,但是他们并没有感觉那是一种失调。This classification is also used to refer to people who call themselves transsexuals, but they don’t necessarily feel that it is a disorder.

这种分类也被用于那些称自己有异姓转化欲的人们,但是他们并没有感觉那是一种失调。This classification is also used to refer to people who call themselves transsexuals , but they don't necessarily feel that it is a disorder.

八旗异姓世爵世职教育,是有清民族教育的重要组成部分,是前所未有的设学施教。Education of the Eight Banners' different clan names with Hereditary Titles and Positions was an important part of Manchu's national education and it was unprecedented.

中国古代社会的虚拟血缘关系,主要包括异姓兄弟和异姓父子两大类。In aspect of microscopic operation, its development is closely related to fictitious kins high operation efficiency and low society cost while forming new society organizations.

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婚姻生活所应该有的要素与结果不应该因为同性婚姻或异姓婚姻而有不同。The phrase "matrimony shall have the same requisites and effects regardless of whether the persons involved are of the same or different sex" should now be added to Spain's law books.

于是雷斯脱停灵在异姓人的客堂,头前脚后都点着阴惨惨的蜡烛,胸前放着一个银质十字架,由死者白蜡一般的双手亲自捧着,看起来觉得很奇怪。It was curious to see him lying in the parlour of this alien residence, candles at his head and feet, burning sepulchrally, a silver cross upon his breast, caressed by his waxen fingers.

深夜,共同阅历过生死磨练的简肇庆、黄欲达、唐阿泰,在容铁铸的见证下结为异姓兄弟,从此祸福与共。Late into the night, common experience after death of tempering Jane zhaoqing, yellow to achieve, tang arest, in RongTie casting and witnessed by brother, from now on YiXing thingol pitiless together.

接着,在各诸侯国内部,以国君为首的公族势力也渐渐失去在政治上的支配地位,一些昔日的庶族支族甚或异姓卿大夫的势力却一天天发展壮大起来。Then, in the internal princes to monarch SHAANXI led forces has gradually lost its political dominance, some old Shuzu tribes but even the forces of a different surname Bureaucrats grow up day by day.