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生活是少男捉寻寻。Life is a lad that seeks.

他们还是青少男。They are still teenagers.

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1995年,为都市青春少女少男的新品牌RALPH问世。In 1995, the city's new youth brand RALPH teenage boys come out.

庆典期间,有各种各样的仪式,其中之一就是把少女的名字放在盒中,有少男随即抽选。During the Lupercalia festival, young women dropped poems bearing their names into a large vase.

有性生活的少男的平均成绩低于那些不发生性行为的同辈0.30分。Male teens who have casual sex had GPAs that were 0.30 points lower than those who do not have sex.

我儿子只有9个月大,但是我担心等他长成少男时你已经退休了。My son is only 9 months old, but I am worried that by the time he is a teenager, you will have retired.

悲惨的事实是,大部分的少男确实都挺招人烦的—他们是半成品,还在成长阶段。But the sad fact is that most young teenage boys are repulsive—that is, they are half-formed works in progress.

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少男体内的睾丸素高出少女体内睾丸素的15-20倍,而由于生长的需要,这少男体内循环的激素受大脑的控制和调节。Testosterone in teenage boys is 15-20 times higher than in teenage girls and the hormone flow in boys is controlled and regulated by the brain as the body needs it.

所以,耶和华使迦勒底人的王来攻击他们,在他们圣殿里用刀杀了他们的壮丁,不怜恤他们的少男处女,老人白叟。He brought up against them the king of the Babylonians, who killed their young men with the sword in the sanctuary, and spared neither young man nor young woman, old man or aged.

本研究结果可提供健康专业人员作为对青少男避孕卫教介入的参考。These results provide health professionals with important information to understand the reality adolescents encounter and to design effective contraceptive programs for male adolescents.

被称作“少男杀手”的56岁英国妇人帕特•希金斯于当地时间5月28日在英国泰恩威尔郡再次披上了婚纱,举行了自己的第九次婚礼,新郎是比她小32岁的安德森。Britain woman, Pat Higgins, 56- who has been branded "man-eater" held her ninth wedding ceremony in Shields, Tyne and Wear, on 28th, May. The groom is 32 years her junior, Mark Sanderson.

被称作“少男杀手”的56岁英国妇人帕特•希金斯于当地时间5月28日在英国泰恩威尔郡再次披上了婚纱,举行了自己的第九次婚礼,新郎是比她小32岁的安德森。A Britain woman, Pat Higgins, 56- who has been branded “man-eater” held her ninth wedding ceremony in Shields, Tyne and Wear, on 28th, May. The groom is 32 years her junior, Mark Sanderson.

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是这样吗?在幸运金箱里面就有少女芳心和少男真心了,多买几把金钥匙总会开到的,这两个徽章都没脚下效果,有连P特效。Is that true?Lucky gold box inside the hearts and minds of young girls and boys really have, and always buy a few gold key to open, no foot effect of these two badges, there is even the P effects.

斗转星移,刘亦菲如今成为了多少少男们的梦中情人,不过,跑步机对于成长经历与众不同,身世背景神秘的刘亦菲来说,她远不止“少男梦中情人”这么一个角色。The seasons have changed, Yifei now the number of boys who dream lover, but for the unique growth experience, background mysterious origins Yifei, far more than her "dream lover boys" such a role.