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我们可以让固相的化学势和气相化学势相等。We can have those be equal.

男人是能量和气息的储存体和表达体。Man is the out-breath of source energy.

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和气生财。我们可以商量。Then I'm afraid we can't work together.

在家里与人谈话要和气。o Talk kindly to each other in your home.

和气生财,诚信服务,是我们的宗旨。And gas riches, honest service is our aim.

俗语说,和气生财嘛。As the saying puts, harmony brings wealth.

他是个善良和气的老太太。She was a very kind and amiable old woman.

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我不会伤害这棵树了,樵夫和气的说。I won't hurt the tree, said the woodman kindly.

我们需要既勤劳又和气的人。We want people who are hardworking and amiable.

能不比吗?大家都别伤了和气。Can we not compete? We don't injure our harmony.

大气还包括云和气溶胶。The atmosphere also contains clouds and aerosols.

“噢,那没关系的,”那人和气地回答。"Oh, that don't matter, " said the other affably.

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旋臂是边缘覆有尘埃的星流和气流。The arms are streams of stars and gas laced with dust.

等离子系统需要电源和气源进行作业。Plasma system need to power and gas source in the operations.

感冒了,紧接是喉咙和气管的疼痛。After taking a cold rawness of the larynx and trachea come on.

留出所有的气缸孔、水道孔、气门孔和气缸盖螺栓孔。All cylinder, water, valve, and bead-bolt openings are cut out.

我对火精、水精和气精近乎一无所知,但地精和土精我却十分熟悉。Of the sprites of fire, water, and air, I know next to nothing.

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说话和气,有耐心并等对方把话讲完。Talk nicely, be patient and wait for others to finish speaking.

在最后三天的旅游中,我们有了一位更和气的导游。For the last three days of the tour we had a more amiable guide.

我们有一个液相,和气相的平衡。We have an equilibrium between the liquid state and the gas phase.