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不,我做了个恶梦。No.I had a nightmare.

我仍然生活在恶梦中。I still have nightmares.

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这些恶梦正在消退。Those nightmares are fading.

我昨夜做了一个恶梦。I had a nightmare last night.

只是做了一个恶梦,仅此而已。Just a bad dream, that's all.

我的童年是个恶梦。My childhood was a nightmare.

今晚我也许会做恶梦。I’ll probably have nightmares tonight.

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昨天对我来讲,有点像恶梦般的一天。Yesterday is a day of nightmare to me.

她用清醒意识对付恶梦。She used lucidity to cure her nightmares.

昨夜我作了个恶梦,失眠了。I had a nightmare last night, and lost sleep.

阿朗的恶梦终于过去了。The nightmare came from Arlong was finally over.

但是,这仅仅是恶梦的开始。But that was just the beginning of the nightmare.

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他知道,他是在请求许多人重温恶梦。He knew he was asking many to revisit a nightmare.

而是变成一个恶梦。It seems like it becomes some kind of a nightmare.

这条路在我的记忆里一直如同恶梦一般。It’s been a nightmare for as long as I can remember.

发电机的节奏是恶梦的律动。The rhythm of the dynamos is the pulse of nightmare.

对你的邻居们来说,麦克豪宅并非美梦,而是恶梦了。For them, a McMansion is not a dream. It's a nightmare.

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早晨看报纸的时候,我总觉得在做恶梦,I,often,feel,that,I’When I read the papers in the morning m in a bad dream.

晚上常作恶梦大叫,含意是什麽?What does it mean when someone shouts during a nightmare?

老年人的梦仿佛要少一些,也更少做恶梦。Older people seemed to dream less and have fewer nightmares.