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然后不断扩大。And then it expands.

我们扩大并扩展着。We enlarge and expand.

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扩大你的舒适区。Expand your comfort zone.

扩大了工伤保险适用范围。Insurance coverage expanded.

一些内能,把体积扩大。Now I make the volume bigger.

第一,扩大双方贸易规模。First, increase bilateral trade.

然后,扩大你的工作圈。Then, expand the circle to work.

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戈壁沙漠正在向南扩大。The Gobi Desert is inching south.

这事扩大了他俩之间的距离。It widened the space between them.

他们希望扩大公司的规模。They hope to expand their company.

今后这一计划还将被扩大。The KAB will be expanded, she said.

颊部有可扩大的囊袋。They have expandable cheek pouches.

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我把问题的规模扩大了十倍。Wow. I think it took one more step.

这是扩大你的词汇量和发现新的表达法的最佳方法。vocabulary and find new expressions.

现在需要的是进一步扩大PSN的应用范围。The challenge now is to help PSN expand.

他们的销售市场正在不断扩大。Their sales market was being snowballed.

如果你把体积扩大一倍也会扩大一倍。If you double the volume , the v doubles.

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他的势力扩大到全国。His power extends over the whole country.

扩大绩效考评试点范围。Pilot performance evaluations will expand.

那个商人想扩大他的经营。The merchant wants to expand his business.