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今晚是最后期限了,或许还能和你们说说家常。Tonight is thelast night at home.

不要在家常琐事上浪费时间。Don't waste time on domestic trivialities.

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你们想不想点一份家常豆腐?Do you all want to order some homestyle tofu?

我回家常抄近路,打公园里头走。I usually cut across the park on my way home.

不要在家常琐事上浪费时间。We spent the weekend pottering around the house.

“家常食物有益于康健,”笑剧作家在拱顶上说。Homely food is wholesome, " the comedies said on the dome."

"家常食品有益于健康,"喜剧作家在拱顶上说.Homely food is wholesome," the comedist said on the dome x.

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公司聚会上,老板和员工闲话家常。At the office party, the boss spoke informally with the staff.

这些家常物品会是卧室最让人惊喜的附属物了。These household items can be surprisingly fun bedroom additions.

与红肉、野味、意大利粉及浓郁的家常小菜共享!Drink with red meat, game, pasta, rice and strongly sauced dishes.

去外面透透气,去公园,去海边,在家里做顿家常的晚餐。Go outside, to a park, to the beach. Have a potluck dinner at home.

再加些可口的调味品,让你的家常午餐更漂亮。Spruce up your homemade lunch with some tasty extras, like condiments.

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在患者王福印家,温家宝亲切地拉起家常。Wang and India in the patient at home, Wen Jiabao warmly pulling home.

家常食品的浓郁香味难以抵挡,我只得拼命在钱包里翻找卢布来买。The homemade aroma was irresistible and I dug in my wallet for roubles.

语言学家常说汉语是一门偏向于动词的语言。Linguists often describe Chinese as a language that goes heavy on verbs.

老奶奶们到了夏天都爱坐在树阴凉儿里拉家常。Old women all like sitting in the tree shadows and gossiping on summer days.

但是这个本土食物在过去是陕北人最家常的主食。But it used to be the most popular staple food for people in Northern Shaanxi.

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骆天明知道自己时日不长,他拉着骆夫人的手叙起了家常。LuoTianMing know their time is not long, but he took Mrs Lockes hand up homely.

较昂贵的衣服滞销时,家常服通常销路都较好。House dresses usually sell better when more expensive lines have tough sledding.

道德学家常说光靠追求往往是得不到幸福的。It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it.