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试玩版会在五月中旬放出。The Demo will come mid May.

这个节日通常在阳历一月中旬来临。The date usually falls in mid-January.

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九月下旬到十月中旬。Between late-September and mid-October.

这个湖通常到了一月中旬就封冻了。The lake usually ices over by mid-January.

七月底到八月中旬是酷暑期。Canicule is from late June to middle August.

现在变成中旬年龄,我开始阅读它。Now turning into mid-age, I start to read it.

这条湖通常在一月中旬冰封。The lake usually freezes over by mid January.

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海冰的最小范围通常在九月中旬。The sea ice minimum is usually in mid-September.

一般捕鲸的季节要持续到三月中旬。The whaling season typically runs until mid-March.

9月中旬,“轰天”和“飞飞”到了印度。By mid-September, Skybomb and Flappy were in India.

十一月中旬时胚珠原体凸出胎座表面。Ovule primordia occur from placenta in mid November.

到了5月中旬的时候,我已经对希拉里难分难舍了。By mid-May, I wanted to be with Hillary all the time.

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还有大批鲈鱼直到上午中旬。There are large numbers of Redfish until mid morning.

那时是6月中旬,草已经长到跟人的膝盖一般高。It was mid-June and grass was knee-deep in the meadow.

中旬,斯塔尔宣布即将离任。In mid-month, Ken Starr announced he was stepping down.

我已步入30中旬,发现自己厌倦了总做努力的那方。Now in my mid 30’s, I find that I am tired of fighting.

热焊接TPU中旬英尺支持卓越的锁定。Heat-welded TPU mid-foot support for superior lock down.

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五月中旬,浮油漂到了路易斯安那湿地附近。In mid-May pools of oil moved into Louisiana's wetlands.

我们的草坪要到五月中旬才变绿。Our lawn grass does not green up until the middle of May.

金球奖固定于每年的一月中旬举行。The Golden Globe Awards are held in mid-January each year.