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拔节孕穗肥施氮比例增加,增产效果最好。The N at jointing-booting stage increased yield evidently.

水稻在拔节孕穗后期干物质生产速率最大。In the late of jointing and booting stage rice has highest dry matter productivity.

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结果表明,春小麦高产群体光合势在整个生育期呈单峰曲线变化,峰值在孕穗至开花期。The results showed LAD of spring wheat population changed as a curve with single peak.

不同追氮时期相比,加工品质性状以拔节期追氮最好,其次为孕穗和返青期。The properties of processing quality was better dressing at jointing stages than that of others.

当计算机首次启动孕穗错误的是另一本构成指标进行了眨巴。Booting errors when the computer first start's up is another indicator of this component going on the blink.

抽穗前干旱胁迫对糙米率和精米率影响最大的时期为孕穗中期,其次为孕穗后期。Mid-booting stage was the most crucial stage affecting brown and milled rice rates, followed by late booting stage.

于小麦孕穗和灌浆期喷翠竹生长剂,其增粒增重作用显著。Spraying growth regulator at boot and filling period could increase grain number and weight of wheat significantly.

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分蘖肥、拔节肥、孕穗肥是禾谷类作物的关键施肥时期,对提高产量十分重要。And the tailoring stage, jointing stage and boot stage are the three key stages to apply fertilizer for the grass family.

不同水分处理下旱稻在不同生育阶段的耗水量和耗水强度大部分都集中在播种至出苗和孕穗至抽穗阶段。The amount and the intensity of water consumption were mostly in the stage between from sowing to emergence and from booting to heading.

并且,随着温度升高,徐州、宜兴两地拔节、孕穗、抽穗、乳熟期也无显著变化。The stages of stem elongation, booting, heading and maturing of rice showed no significant change with the increase in mean air temperature.

孕穗末期喷施S-07溶液可降低强势粒但提高弱势粒灌浆前期的内源IAA水平。The application of S-07 solution at the booting stage could decrease the IAA content of vigorous spikelet, but increased that of weak spikelet.

突变株系增产的主要原因可能是孕穗灌浆期净光合速率和表观量子效率的急剧增加。The higher grain yield in mutated strains was mainly due to abundant carbohydrate synthesis and transfer to grains during booting-filling stage.

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本文还讨论了四川小麦幼穗分化过程中引致穗粒数变异的时期,以及安全孕穗、抽穗期。The stage controlling seed number per ear during ear differentiation, safe booting date and safe heading date of wheat in Sichuan were discussed.

刈割高度对狗牙根419孕穗率和种子成熟度有严重影响,且留槎高度越低,影响越严重。The low mowed height of Tifway 419 significantly decreased the ear bearing and the mature of seed, and the slower stubble, the more significant effect.

孕穗-灌浆期的净光合速率和表观量子效率的急剧增加可能成为突变株系增产的主要原因。The higher grain yield in mutated strains was mainly due to increasing the net photosynthetic rate and apparent quantum yield considerably at the stage from booting to filling.

试验结果表明,土壤肥力基础较低时,增施基肥是小麦高产优质的基础,增施基肥及孕穗至丌花期追施氮肥提高了籽粒蛋白质含量。The protein content of wheat grain could be increased by applying nitrogen fertilizer during booting to flowering stage of wheat, applying base manure under the condition of the low soil fertility.