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什么是任意性?What is arbitrariness?

任意的振动模式。Of any vibrational mode.

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它可以是任意角度。It could be at any angle.

这种联系是任意的And the link is arbitrary.

什么是任意性?。I. 6 What is arbitrariness?

比如这里我任意选一个“10“Here I arbitrarily chose 10.

跨越任意数量的计算机。Span any number of machines.

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字符串可以是任意长度。Strings can be of any length.

任意的两个点。They happen to be on the path.

风任意刮着。The wind blew where it listeth.

请勿任意增删列,更动格式。Do not change the form randomly.

任意分享私人图片。Share private photos worry-free.

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因为我可以任意取原点。I can always call my origin zero.

按任意键,开始替换文件。Press any key to replacing files.

不要任意修改我的宠物。My adoptions are not to be edited.

具有任意生命周期的资源Resources with arbitrary lifecycles

任意球员拿到一次三双。Get a triple-double with any player.

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让我们任意考虑一种反应。So let's just consider any reaction.

条码可以任意旋转。Barcodes can be rotated to any angle.

我们可以把任意两个相乘吗?Can we multiply anything by anything?