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我心痛。I have heartburn.

心痛和头痛。Heartache and Headache.

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心痛,谁能懂?Pain, who can understand?

虽然心痛依旧。Though the heartaches remain.

我深知我与心痛有份。I have my share of heartaches.

爱到深处是心痛。Love to the depths of a heartache.

他悲愤交加,心痛不已。His heart ached with anger and sorrow.

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你的病痛,也同样引着我的心痛,快点好吧!You pain, also took my heart, get well!

期待是全部心痛旳根源。Expection is the root of all heartaches.

恩,我不悲伤,不难过,不心痛。TU, I am not sad, not sad, not distraught.

四个月啊,令人心痛的四个月!Four months, that heart-aching four months!

心痛的时候吃止痛片有效吗?Aching when eat acetanilide piece effective?

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财政债务会导致压力和心痛。Financial debt causes stress and heart ache.

心痛到不能呼吸,全世界都爱你。Heartache can not breathe, the world loves you.

散财当然心痛,但我还是要留下来。It hurts to lose money, but I am still standing.

一个人的心痛是另一个人的死亡丧钟。One person's heartburn is another's death-knell.

再多的眼泪也抵不过一句对不起来的心痛。No more tears over but also a sorry to heartache.

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山国心痛,一定要捉到偷钱的人。Sanguo is heart pain and vows to catch the thief.

世镇因而陷入了心痛的回忆里。Shizhen thus it fell into the heartache memories.

何止震惊,还非常心痛。This is not only shocking, but also very painful.