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音调优美的。EF-a tale of melodic.

我欣赏你的优美舞姿。I admire your gracefulness.

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我欣赏您的优美舞姿。I admire your gracefulness.

我们有一些他写的很优美的话So, we have his very words.

弹奏着一首优美的钢琴曲。Play with a beautiful piano.

我来放一段旋律优美的音乐。Let's put on some mood music.

富士山形态优美。Mt. Fuji has a graceful shape.

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她优美地踮起双脚。She pointed her toes daintily.

这个钟有优美的音色。The bell has a beautiful tone.

华尔兹舞是一种优美的舞。The waltz is a beautiful dance.

老鼠指爪实验“非常优美”Mouse-Digit Experiment "Elegant"

狐步舞是一种优美的舞蹈。The foxtrot is a beautiful dance.

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这首音乐音调优美。This piece of music is melodious.

优美波动在她乌黑的发鬓。Which waves in every raven tress.

阿木奶的歌声十分优美。Amunai's songs are very beautiful.

我有白嫩的皮肤和优美的身材。I have smooth skin and slim shape.

这首由范玮琪演唱的歌听起来很优美。The song by Fan Weiqi sounds nice.

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啊,啊,你还是在抱怨同样的事啊,另外,你还有一点没变——你优美的嗓音,还有你说话时的方式。ah. You still say the same things.

他吹奏了一首优美的笛于曲。He played a nice tune on the flute.

其北有风景优美的比都库湖。Its scenic north than the lake are.