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这墙是用糊墙纸裱糊的。The wall was papered.

房间用绿色墙纸裱糊。To cover with wallpaper.

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她用绝色壁纸裱糊房间。She papered the room green.

这墙是用糊墙纸裱糊的。The room was papered in green.

用白纸裱糊墙壁。Paper the walls with while paper.

这墙是用糊墙纸裱糊的。We papered the interior walls of our house.

我准备重新裱糊一下房子。I prepare again to paper one time the house.

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格斯多年来一直是个熟练的裱糊工。Gus has been a professional paperhanger for years.

客房的墙上裱糊著有花卉图案的壁纸。Floral wallpaper adorned the walls of the guest room.

裱糊,象我们今天使用的许多其他事,是第一中国制造。Paper, like many other things that we use today, was first made in China.

卡纸与卡纸裱糊时可选用压力可调的压块。When laminating paperboard with paperboard, pre-adjustable pressing part is optional.

现拥有先进全自动裱糊流水线及完整的后道加工设备。Now our company owns an advanced fully-automatic pasting assembly line and complete supporting process equipments.

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能够在最近距离对敏感电子、电器设备形成高可靠的电涌裱糊。Safe and reliable surge pasting is formed to isolate the sensitive electron and electric application in closest distance.

我将它裱糊装框,1982年我重新当选州长时,我把它挂在卧室的入口处,每天都能看见。I had it framed, and when I was reelected in 1982, it hung at the entrance to our bedroom so that I would see it every day.

公司自成立以来,就以环保为理念,文件夹裱糊选用无毒无害的动物蛋白胶。Since the company established, focused on the concept of environmental protection, the folder paper selects non-toxic harmless animal protein glue.

拥有先进的进口裱糊设备、检制盒设备和印装设备,并有一支素质优良的员工队伍作保证。Paperhanging imported advanced equipment, seized boxes of equipment and printing system installed equipment, and has a quality workforce as a guarantee.

也欢迎来样来料生产定做、半成品生产、部分工序代理及印后加工、裱糊制作等。Also welcome incoming sample custom production, semi-finished production, some production processes, agents and finishing, paperhanging production and so on.

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该产品可以在热熔转印制品,液晶显示器密封,纸币防伪,书画裱糊等方面得到应用。This product is used in lots of fields, such as hot-melt transfer printing products, liquid crystal indicator seal, preventing forged bank note and mounting painting and calligraphy etc.

实用章节包含的所有指导和解决问题所需的信息,完成从搁置,绘画和裱糊到瓦片,保温和通风任何给定的任务。Practical chapters contain all the instructive and problem-solving information needed to complete any given task from shelving, painting and paperhanging to tiling, insulation, and ventilation.

其次,从弹性垫层材料的力学特性角度出发,建立组合圆筒裱糊装配结构的力学模型。Secondly, the structure's mechanical model that based on the elastic material mechanical characteristic and a certain enclasped state and enclasped thinking of multi-layers' shell is established.