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一个蓝色的行进小鼓。A Blue Marching Snare Drum.

他们正往遵义行进。They were headed for Zunyi.

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船儿轻快地向前行进。The boat moves forward sprightly.

部队行进到河边。The troops advanced to the river.

乐队在操场上行进The band is marching on the field.

他们“踩”着泥泞的道路行进。They slopped along the muddy road.

喊着「万岁」在山上行进和撤退。" and marched up &down a mountain.

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一段乐曲的行进的步调或速度The pace or the speed of the piece?

他们向河流上游地区行进。They travelled up the river valley.

他曾经梦想着去制造一辆无马行进的车。he dreamed of a horseless carriage.

马车在崎岖不平的道路上颠簸行进。The cart jolted along the rough road.

斑驳的渔船在海上行进。The mottled fishing boats move along.

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他驾车慢慢地行进于来往车辆中。He insinuated his cat through traffic.

命令部队快步向部队食堂行进。Double-time the troops to the mess hall.

节奏完全按四音步句的抑扬格在行进。Acatalectic tetrameter of iambs marching.

队伍沿公路行进。The procession marched along the highway.

车辆行进中收费管理。Vehicle non-stop fee-charging management.

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然而,整个进程在往相反方向行进。And yet the process is going into reverse.

是的。这就是Duke,of,Earl乐章,一六四五一行进。So yes,it was the I,VI,IV,V,I progression.

他们无声地在市区街道间穿行,并将自己的抗议游行称为"死亡行进"。They called their protest a “Death March.”