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使图表的每一个西洋镜与标记写生。Make diagrams of each diorama with labeled sketches.

在2012年,沃克原本是为“西洋镜”展览创作的这对机器人。The robots were originally created in 2012 by Walker for a show called 'Peepshow'.

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走在一个更清洁,在莫斯科2006年7月25日在一个购物中心的1977年中央莫斯科西洋镜。A cleaner walks in a diorama of a 1977 central Moscow in a shopping centre in Moscow July 25, 2006.

提出了若干西洋镜以及,因为没有任何限制的方法,介绍了模型。Several dioramas were presented as well, since there was no restriction on the method of presenting the models.

在通过西洋镜播放电影的年代里,人们只能通过播放仪器的一个专门设置的小窗口来看电影。In the peepshow format, a film was viewed through a small opening in a machine that was created for that purpose.

我的西洋镜被拆穿了,于是干脆要她陪我走一走,到耶鲁美术画廊去看马克.罗思科的作品展览。My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale Art Gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit.

除了带烟雾效果的背景音乐,西洋镜表演同样也讲述着与所有女人有关的关于性感和赋权的故事。More than just steamy dance numbers, Peepshow tells a story of sexuality and empowerment that all women can relate to.

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之前下降时进行研究天使,幻想序列随之在路易斯和乔出现在西洋镜。When Prior drops in to conduct research on angels, a fantasy sequence ensues in which Louis and Joe appear in the diorama.

了解动画,毅力和远见的西洋镜的原则,一项发明是近2000年历史。Learn about animation, persistence of vision and the principles of a zoetrope, an invention that is nearly 2,000 years old.

1978年,应科波拉的邀请,去到美国为西洋镜制片公司拍摄“哈姆特”,直到1982年完成其他几部电影。In 1978, upon invitation of Coppola, he went to the United States to shoot "Hammett" for Zoetrope Productions, which occupied him, among other works, until 1982.

消费者向经销商索阅其销售授权书,原产国认证书和进口商品报关单等证,便可戳穿一些西洋镜。Consumer reads his to sell accredit book to agency search, former certificate yield a country and importer taste the card such as customs declaration, can expose a few peep show.

电影院的播放技术从最初的西洋镜形式演变为将影像投影到幽暗的影院屏幕,这一转变使得电影院大众化消费成为可能。The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.

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作为一种大众消费电影院一直没有出现,直到这种技术从最初的西洋镜格式进化到可以将图像投射到大的屏幕上在黑暗的剧院中。The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.

知道电影技术从最初的西洋镜格式进化到图像可以在漆黑的影院中放映到屏幕上,电影才以大批量生产的模式出现。The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened treater.