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剥削真的过时了吗?。Is Exploitation Really Anachronic?

他们贫穷,被剥削。These are the poor. These are the beaten.

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那家餐厅收费太高了,简直是剥削。They really fleeced us at that restaurant.

该公司无耻地剥削工人。The firm exploits its workers disgracefully.

他寡廉鲜耻地剥削人民。He is unscrupulous in his exploitation of people.

他们又是压迫和剥削工人的。What is more, it oppresses and exploits the workers.

不允许强迫劳动和剥削童工Forced labor and exploitative child labor are not allowed

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我们已经彻底废除了人剥削人的制度。We have abolished the system of exploitation of man by man.

校准信息,是剥削,在采样阶段。Calibration information is exploited in the resampling phase.

定息仍然属于剥削的性质。In its nature this interest was still a form of exploitation.

该公司用长工时低工资的方法来剥削工人。The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay.

这跟剥削剩余价值有关。It is dependent on exploiting the surplus-value of prolateriat.

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这一点加深了外国作者将被剥削的怀疑。This has heightened suspicions that foreigners will be fleeced.

我们的目标是消灭一切人剥削人的制度。Our goal is abolishing all systems of exploitation of man by man.

应该消灭世界上的一切剥削阶级和剥削制度。The exploiting classessystems should be abolished over the world.

这根本不构成赤色分子们所说的美国式剥削。This did not constitute American exploitation, as the Reds bellow.

中国文化把所有的其他人种视为有待剥削的次等民族。Chinese culture sees all non-Chinese as sub-human, to be exploited.

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他表示,这些儿童需要保护,免受剥削和虐待。He says they will need to be protected from exploitation and abuse.

性剥削和性凌虐为严重失检行为。Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse constitute serious misconduct.

代孕会不会造成一种阶级压迫、剥削?。Does surrogacy causes a kind of interclass oppress and exploitation?