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今天星期三是斋期开始。It's Ash Wednesday.

他们度过了三天斋期。They had a fast of 3 days.

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在大斋期,他戒烟葡萄酒。In Lent he gives up smoking and drinking.

这是希腊东正教大斋期的第一天。This is the first day of the Greek Orthodox Great Lent.

我记得有一次和一个穆斯林朋友,讨论基督教的大斋期和伊斯兰教的赖买丹月。I remember with a Muslim friend of mine, we were comparing Lent to Ramadan.

当上帝在大斋期中更新和坚固我们的时候我们就体验到了上帝的同在。We can have a great experience in this Season of LENT as God renews and strengthens us!

首次遇见卡洛琳。奥斯本,是在天主教堂校园内纪念耶稣受难的四旬斋期间。I first spotted Carolyn Osburn at the Catholic church on-campus doing the Stations of the Cross during Lent.

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在罗马,教宗和人民将继续在游行的每一天,尤其是在封斋期,到不同的教会,以庆祝神圣的奥秘。In Rome, pope and people would go in procession each day, especially in Lent, to a different church, to celebrate the Sacred Mysteries.

嘉年华最初的基督教节日,是人们庆祝封斋期前禁食时期,仍然是世界各地许多如此。Carnival was first a Christian festival in which people celebrated before the fasting period of Lent, and remains so for many throughout the world.

早期的基督徒庆祝期间就封斋期的第四个星期日在圣母玛利亚,基督的母亲节荣誉母亲的各种各样的节。Early Christians celebrated a Mother's Day of sorts during the festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ.