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看看你的牛脾气。Look at your bad-temper.

他只不过是在耍牛脾气。He was just being obstinate.

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孩子的父亲是Pasha,一个牛脾气没大脑的肌肉男。The baby’s father is Pasha, a very beefy and bull-headed man.

一年后的1944年,牛脾气的史密斯先生再次加入了抗击意大利的行列。A year later, in 1944, his Spitfire had been shot down over Italy.

改变破坏常规时,金牛座可能会发起牛脾气。It's when change upsets the routine that our Bull's temper can flare.

刘说他牛脾气大,怀过龙笑了。Liu said he was bullish temperament big, pregnant than dragon laughed.

老牛脾气倔犟,生起气来怎么赶它都不走!This old ox is very stubborn. Once it is angry, nothing can make it move.

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俄罗斯天生一股牛脾气,跟谁都敢斗。尤其是跟美国老虎。Russia has an innate nature of ox and dare to battle any one , especially tiger US.

只是牛时有牛脾气,还爱甩牛角尖,这就使得有人不大喜欢它。Only beef cattle temper from time to time, but also love rejection dead end, which makes some people do not like it.

无论你多么了解某人,他们经常会让你感到意外,同时会迅速激发小牛牛的牛脾气。However well you know someone, they could always spring a surprise, and at the same time the emotional temperature could rise very quickly.

拥有坚强的信念和强壮的体力。有耐力,有牛脾气。温厚老实,明辨是非,按部就班,事业心强。They have the temper of ox, make a clear distinction between the right and the wrong, act in accordance to the rules, and persevere in their undertakings.

据说兰伯基尼本人就是这种不甘示弱的牛脾气,也体现了兰伯基尼公司产品的特点,因为公司生产的汽车都是大功率、高速的运动型轿车。This is not to be outdone, I said Lamborghini cattle temperament, and also embodies the Lamborghini product features because cars are produced by high-power, high-speed sports cars.

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据说兰伯基尼本人就是这种不甘示弱的牛脾气,也体现了兰伯基尼公司产品的特点,因为公司生产的汽车都是大功率、高速的运动型轿车。Lamborghini is said to be outdone himself this is the obstinacy, but also reflects the Lamborghini product feature, because the company produced cars are high-power, high-speed sports car.