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也许您发得起更高的工资。Perhaps you can afford more.

他表示,他们付得起更多的税费。He says they can afford to pay more.

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如何担负起更多的个人责任?How can you take more personal responsibility?

城市里建立起更多的医院和学校。In cities, more hospitals and schools were built.

他们还发现女机能比男性记起更多的黑甜乡。And those women could recall more dreams than men.

我相信未来中国会建立起更多的环保法庭。I believe there will be more courts in the future.

然而,也就是从那时起更多的潜在的攻击媒介显露出来了。Yet since then, more potential attack vectors have been revealed.

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让我们拭目以待这位曾经青涩的花样男子,在舞台上掀动起更狂热的王者之风。In the future, let's expect him to whip up hotter craze at the stage.

在这样一个情形中,药草无法起更多作用,而你的康复将失败。In such a circumstance, herbs can do not more and one's recovery will fail.

有关研究表明,举重运动员在蓝色的体育馆内能举起更重的砝码。Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.

如果它不起作用,当你能够输得起更多的时候,你可以再大胆一试。If it doesn’t work out you go for it again when you can afford to lose more.

政府已经负担不起更多的以增加投票为目的的救济了。Brown's final budget. The government cannot afford more vote—pleasing handouts.

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到明年底为止,早这里会建立起更多的高楼。By the end of next year, many more high-rises will have been built around there.

政府应该在改善公共交通方面起更重要的作用。The government should be playing a more prominent role in improving public traffic.

身处发达国家的我们更需要对气候问题承担起更大的责任。We in the advanced economies are largely responsible for the extent of the problem.

就像一个健美运动员会比普通人举起更重的重量一样。It’s similar to a bodybuilder being able to lift heavier weights than the average person.

“负担起更多的家务职责吧,”这是沃林传达给成家男人的信息。"Take more responsibility for things at home," was Wallin's message to men with families.

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“负担起更多的家务职责吧,”这是沃林传达给成家男人的信息。"Take more responsibility for things at home, " was Wallin's message to men with families.

一般男性可能在百米赛跑中比一般女性速度更快,也可以举起更重的重量。The average man may run a 100-meter race faster than the average woman and lift heavier weights.

他有几十个沙袋,但他说没必要用它们──它们只会存起更多水。He had a few dozen sandbags but said there was no point in using them--it would just trap more water.