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她给她的小宝宝撒了一些爽身粉。She sprinkled powder on her baby.

她给洗过澡的婴儿抹爽身粉。She powdered the baby after its bath.

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替婴儿涂抹润肤油及爽身粉。Apple baby oil and powder to the baby.

保育员把爽身粉撒在婴儿身上。The nurse dusted powder over the baby.

在别人的电吹风里塞些婴儿爽身粉。Fill someone’s hair-dryer with baby powder.

请问孕妇可以用爽身粉吗?Pregnant women can use talcum powder does it?

他们使用花露水和爽身粉。They carry toilet waters and perfumed powders.

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常用兰花爽身粉,令您芳香迷人。Orchid talcum powder makes you attractively aromatic.

我喜爱在沐浴当前用爽身粉来连结干爽和清新。I like to use powder after showers to stay dry and fresh.

让它熟悉气味,如尿布霜和婴儿爽身粉。Expose him to common smells such as nappy cream and baby powder.

婴儿爽身粉用来去除衣服上的油渍效果很不错。Baby powder works wonders at getting oil stains out of your clothes.

但是,常常吸入爽身粉会导致肺部损伤和癌症。However, when inhaled regularly they can cause lung damage and cancer.

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结果这些飞路粉事实上就是无害的爽身粉。It turned out that the Floo Powder was actually harmless talcum powder.

要想把钢琴键上的血弄掉,就用爽身粉或者奶粉抛光。To get blood off of piano keys, polish them withtalcum powder or powdered milk.

她闻起来有股爽身粉和碳油皂的味道,吉米想,就如弗雷达阿姨一样。She smelled of talcum powder andCoal Tar Soap, Jimmy thought. Like his Aunty Freda.

火山灰就像婴儿爽身粉般轻软,如果婴儿爽身粉是由细小的玻璃碎片做的话。Volcanic ash is as soft as baby powder, if baby powder were made of microscopic shards of glass.

使用加州宝贝爽身粉在尿布地区和那些胖乎乎的皮肤褶皱区!Use California Baby's fluffy Non-talc Powder around the diaper area and those chubby folds in the skin!

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盛夏,婴儿洗完澡后,应给他们搽些燥涩止痒的爽身粉。In the hot summer we should put talcum power on the baby after bathing to eliminate dampness and relieve itching.

在穿礼服之前,全身拍上爽身粉可以保持皮肤干爽,还能让你找到婴儿时的柔滑感觉。In the dress before, systemic pat talcum powder can keep the skin is dry, still can let you find baby smooth feel.

纯净细致的柔滑爽身粉,主要由玉米粉制成,添加了洋甘菊与芦荟来保护幼儿的肌肤。A fine and delicately soothing powder made from maize starch, with blue chamomile & aloe vera to help protect the skin.