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我们确实在太阳下山前赶到了海边,不过刚刚好。We did, but only just.

我匆匆赶到售票处。I hurry to the ticket office.

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我会尽快赶到的。I'll get there as soon as I can.

这只狗的工作是把羊群赶到一起。This dog's job is-to herd sheep.

我拼着老命及时赶到。I broke my neck to arrive in time.

他把牛赶到院子里。He herded his cattle into the yard.

牧羊狗把羊群赶到一起。The dogs herded the sheep together.

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临刑之际,刀锋等人及时赶到。Die of blade etc. Get there in time.

我好容易及时赶到那里。I just managed to get there in time.

就在这时,赵元庚骑马赶到徐家。Just then, Zhao Yuangeng rode to xu.

随着他们驾车离开,警察也赶到了。As they drive off, the police arrive.

快点的话我们还能按时赶到吗?Can we get there in time.If we hurry?

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在三个钟头之内,鬼使神差地赶到了。In three hours the devils brought us.

但是,明天打电话给我,我会马上赶到。But call me tomorrow and I'll swing by.

他忙忙赶到医院去看她。He hastened to the hospital to see her.

我们希望吃晚饭的时候赶到。Hopefully, we’ll be there by dinnertime.

惠琳赶到,但被杀手逃脱。HuiLin arrived, but were killers escape.

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我一路跑着从车站赶到工地。I flew from the station to the worksite.

这一阵雨把尘土都赶到地上了。The shower of rain has settled the dust.

你这么急要赶到哪里去呢?Where have you got to be in such a rush?