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很多人是慢慢才喜欢上她的冷面幽默的。For many people, her dry humor is an acquired taste.

然后,他开始担任一家报纸的专栏作家,作为冷面讲师。Then he began to work as a newspaper columnist and as a deadpan lecturer.

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排上鸡丝、青瓜及红萝卜丝,洒上葱粒,伴以冷面汁。Arrange the chicken, cucumber and carrot shreds on top, serve with the sauce.

朝鲜冷面正在慢慢地赢得中国百姓的喜爱。Korean Cold Noodles are gradually gaining popularity among common Chinese people.

与惊人的冷面幽默“交合”起来,这使艺术家的画作具有了传统风格。This, coupled with a ferociously deadpan humor, makes the artist’s images iconic.

一些人认为冷面笑话更难理解,这让它更具魅力。Some people find it harder to catch a deadpan humor, which makes it more charming.

虎哥连上你我再算上鬼才,冷面的几个小弟总共才七个。Happy with you and I add the Wiz, cold several younger brother a total of only seven.

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哇,听起来好棒。我也听说你们的日式冷面很好吃。Wow, It sounds fantastic. I also heard you guys make pretty good Japanese-style cold noodles.

去到江面上寻找唠叨和冷面的水警一直没有收获,所有人都揪心不已。Go to the river for nagging and cold police have been harvested, everyone worried incessantly.

我第一次上餐馆要的是一碗弹性十足的冷面,店家还送上来一把花园剪刀。My first time at a restaurant brought a bowl of cold elastic noodles and a pair of garden shears.

遵循这样的习俗,山东不同地区的人们在这一天都会吃冷面。Following the custom, people in different areas of Shandong would all have chilled noodles on this day.

推荐烤猪排、烤牛肉、冷面、石锅拌饭、刀削面等。My favorite dishes here include roast pork rib, roast beef, cold noodles, Bibimbap, and sliced noodles.

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冷面在韩国已经流行了几十年。安贞焕希望其他朝鲜菜会很快赶上。Naengmyeon has been popular in South Korea for decades. Ahn hopes other North Korean dishes will catch on soon.

此酒最理想是以意大利冷面沙拉作配搭,它还可以提升猪肉,牛肉,烤鸡或箭鱼的质量。Excellent with cold summer pasta salads, it has the weight to hold up to pork, veal, roast chicken or swordfish.

冷面现今在国内很有名气,冷面的主料为白面,荞麦面和淀粉。Grim nowadays in domestic very much has the fame, the grim mother stock is the wheat flour, the buckwheat surface and the starch.

相反,尽管他所为带来了恐惧,他仍然像小说中走出来的冷面杀手。Instead, despite the horror that he wreaked, the paradox remains that he seems like a blank-faced killer out of a Norwegian novel.

产品粗宽整齐、耐煮筋道、入口爽滑,尤其适合家庭自制的中式冷面、朝鲜冷面等。The Product is wide, tidy, pliable and smooth, especially fit for homemade Chinese style cold noodles, Korean-style cold noodles etc.

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最讨厌狗腿子副班长马明川,对冷面班长莫遥也是敬而远之。Most be fed up with Ma Mingchuan of henchman assistant squad leader, to cold face monitor Mo Yao also is stay at a respectful distance from sb.

产品粗宽整齐、耐煮筋道、入口爽滑,尤其适合家庭自制的中式冷面、朝鲜冷面、捞面、炒面等。The product is wide, tidy, pliable and smooth, it is especially fit for making Chinese-style cold noodles, boiled and strained noodles, chow mein, etc.

做冷面时,先把和好的面用专用机械压入锅中,煮熟后捞出,用冷水冷却。Does when is grim, first and the good surface with the special-purpose machinery presses in the pot, after boiling thoroughly bails out, cools with cold water.