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这路子对头。It is the right way.

这就是致富的路子。It's the road to riches.

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“股田制”是一条路子。"Cropland is made " it is a way.

路子不对等于白费劲儿。A wrong approach means a waste of effort.

我突破过去的老路子,展示了一种战争的新方法。And I have gone beyond and shown a new way.

中国绝不走“国强必霸”的路子。China will never follow in their footsteps.

总的看来,我想我们走的路子是正确的。After some introspection, I think you are right.

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但是它们距离成为现实还有好长一段路子。Alas, they are a long way from being reality yet.

这种选择,使脱贫致富的路子越走越宽广。Such an option, so that the broad road of poverty.

路子面子上很过不去,却还硬撑着。Way on the face very hard time, but also hard support.

小事一桩,杨总路子广熟人多这不算个事儿吧?A trifle, Yang wide acquaintance that it is not a thing?

最终还是保守派和老路子赢得了这场战争。After all, conservatism and the old ways won the battle.

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这种选择,使脱贫致富的路子越走越宽广。The choice of poverty, make way more walk more spacious.

刘子山走的是开银行、办房产的路子。Liu Hills, is open a bank, do real estate the way forward.

不过以垄断者的身份经营公司来保持这一地位是糟糕的路子。But operating as a monopolist is a poor way to maintain that edge.

要不要让麦凯恩和帕琳回到攻击奥巴马人格和价值观的老路子上?Will he and Mrs Palin return to attacks based on character and values?

甚至中国也开始放弃他们的老路子来效仿我们。Even the Chinese are abandoning their methods and trying to be like us.

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路子约出祥明,告诉了他瞬太的身世。Way about the sangmyung and told him the antecedents of instantaneous too.

事实上,很多大学生选择了这条门槛低、见效快的创业路子。In fact, many students have chosen this threshold is low, quick start road.

收藏新手们如何在这重重森林中找对路子呢?So how does the neophyte collector find his or her way through this jungle?