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他的族人都热爱他。All his people loved him.

东北德克萨斯州的喀多族人。Caddo people of NE Texas.

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东北德克萨斯州的喀多族人。A member of the Caddo people of NE Texas.

阿尔巴尼亚族人拒绝参加1991年的人口普查。Ethnic Albanians boycotted the 1991 census.

楚克其族人总是试着突然袭击。The Chukchi always tried to attack suddenly.

真主确是憎恶食肉者的族人。Verily God loathes the family of the flesheaters.

大多数工人是当地的盖丘亚族人。Most of the workers are indigenous Quechua people.

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阿虎决议留下守护幸存的族人们。AHu resolution left guardian surviving clan people.

有趣的是,很多的Akei族人对蜜蜂的叮咬免疫。Funnily enough, most Akei are immune to bee stings.

你们真该看看那个泰雅族人的眼神。You should have seen the look in that Atayal's eyes.

在他们身旁,奥马地卡雅族人正在混乱和恐惧中四散奔逃。Around them the Omaticaya flee in horror and confusion.

吾族恨,永不忘,吾族仇,终要报,吾族人,永不死。The Amani never give up, we never forget, we never die.

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再后来犹他人来了,毁灭了弗里蒙特族人。Then later the Utes come in and killed off the Fremont.

费达族人为什么不会笑呢?原来他们是天生没有“笑的神经”。Why can't they smile? Because they have no smile nerve.

是的,他们看见了亚衲族人,但是迦勒和约书亚所看见的只是神!Yes, they saw the giants, but Caleb and Joshua saw God!

闪族人画一头牛来表示牛的意思吗,诸如此类的。Did Sumerians draw a cow to represent a cow , and so on?

师父,那个长着好多手臂的是哪族人呀。Teacher, the grow a lot of arms of is which clansmen ah.

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苏泰表示同意,然后他们一起面向族人们。Tsu’tey gestures assent, and they face the clan together.

他们供认,受雇于非芒延族人。They confessed that employed in non-Mount extension tribe.

如今,许多缅族人都把中国看做是一个资源掠夺者。Today, many Burmese view China as a pillager of resources.