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大家相互推推胳膊,眨眨眼睛,低声耳语。但是汤姆却正襟危坐。Nudges and winks and whispers traversed the room, but Tom sat still.

你是会哼着歌,还是会正襟危坐,认真地去听他们讲的话呢?Are you humming a tune, or do you sit and really listen to what they have to say?

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以前,国王只需穿上王袍,正襟危坐在马背上,不掉下来就行了。In the past all a King had to do was look respectable in uniform and not fall off his horse.

她谁也不认识,而梅格又要她正襟危坐,因为乔的洋装背后有破洞。She did not know anyone and Meg had told her to sit still because her dress was torn at the back.

启程之前,我花了个把月功夫正襟危坐在电脑屏幕前收集资料。Before leaving for the camp, months were spent in front of the computer screen gathering information.

双手舒适地覆盖在膝盖上,这叫“正襟危坐”。Rest your hands comfortably covering your knees. This is called the "mind in comfort and ease" posture.

我的一些回答令人们正襟危坐起来,他们紧张下一刻将发生什么。I'm afraid some of my answers made people sit up a bit. They got quite nervous as to what was coming next.

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期待本身已充满乐趣,过分苛刻或正襟危坐只会让你自寻烦恼。The anticipation itself is already full of fun, but over doing it only make you look for your own frustrations.

让他震惊并发毛的是展现在他眼前的“惊喜”是十二个正襟危坐的客人!To his shock and horror, there were twelve dinner guests seated around the table for his surprise birthday party.

医生们接受培训,在看病人时要正襟危坐,不要触摸病人。但我也是在妇科诊所里搅起轩然大波的一名女性妇科医生。So often doctors are trained to be up on the pedestal and be separate to their patients but I've also been the woman in stirrups at the gynaecologist's office.

他举行的宴会冷冰冰的,尽是些陈词滥调,正像史迪威所描述的那样人人正襟危坐、恭聆这位皇上的纶音。His dinner parties were icy affairs where nothing but platitudes were served and everyone, as Stilwell remarked, sat stiffly waiting to be addressed from the throne.

我们的课堂犹如军营,强调的是铁的纪律,正襟危坐,学生如履薄冰战战兢兢,少了一些轻松,少了一些幽默,少了一些欢声笑语,少了一些神采飞扬。Our classroom is like camp, the emphasis is iron discipline, sat, student walking on thin ice gingerly, a little something to ease, less humor, less some laughter, some less high spirits.