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管子的出口流出热乎乎的液体塑料。Warm wet plastic came out of the end of the pipe.

“栗子,热乎乎的烤栗子,”一个小贩在叫卖。"Chestnuts, hot roast chestnuts, " a peddler cried.

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想泡在热乎乎的浴缸了,左拥右抱美女帅哥?Crave sitting in a hot tub with gorgeous gals or guys all over you?

请来三个热乎乎的麦穗,要涂着新鲜黄油,撒了盐和胡椒粉那种。Three hot ears of corn with fresh butter and salt and pepper, please.

在寒冷的冬日,没有什么比得上一杯热乎乎的爱尔兰咖啡。Nothing is better than a cup of hot Irish Coffee after a cold winter day.

如果开车去跑步的话,就在车里放一瓶热乎乎的绿茶或热巧克力。Driving to a run? Bring a thermos of green tea or hot chocolate in your car.

他掸去电暖气上的灰尘,把它拿到了我的房间,然后冲了热乎乎的姜汤给我喝。He dusted the warmer and carried it in my room, then he made hot soup for me.

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抱着暖暖的一炉火,吃了一顿热乎乎的饭菜,我开始从我不快的经历中。With a warm fire, and a hot meal, I began to recover from my unpleasant experiences.

不少人每天早上都是喝上一碗热乎乎的麦片粥然后开始一天的工作,不过早餐还有没有其他更好的选择呢?What better way is there to start the morning than with a bowl of hot breakfast cereal?

蒸气从人行道的裂缝中钻出把这里的很多池塘都烘得热乎乎的。Sinister eggy-smelling steam snakes from cracks in pavements and heats the many pools here.

老李很善谈,在他家烧得热乎乎的炕上,他打开了话匣子。Old Lee is very good talk, his house burned in the warm Kangshang, he opened the Round Table.

在广西文关村,32岁的农妇黄佳友每天辛苦劳作16个小时,早晨第一件事是给猪喂一顿热乎乎的早餐。GUANGXI, CHINA—Jia You Huang’s sixteen hour work day starts with a hot breakfast for her pigs.

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卢老师叫刘备坐下,给刘备倒了一杯茶,弄得刘备心里也像这杯茶一样热乎乎的。Lu asked him to sit down and gave him a cup of tea, which made him feel as warm as the tea in heart.

它会蹭地扑上来,双腿搭上你的肩,用热乎乎的大舌头可经舔您的脸。It will rub pounced, the legs got into your shoulder, with a warm big tongue may, by licking your face.

他感到它的皮毛在他脖子的一侧抚摸着,紧接着是它的尾巴和热乎乎的鼻子。He felt its fur like a caress on the side of his neck, and then the touch of its whiskers and fevered nose.

并且所有人在热天跑步跑得热乎乎的时候喝下冷水都会觉得比较凉快。And anyone who runs in hot weather knows that drinking cold water during a steamy run makes you feel cooler.

孩提时住在山中,祖母会为我们张罗热乎乎的玉米面包、油煎秋葵和斑豆。When I was young in the mountains, Grandmother spread the table with hot corn bread, pinto beans and fried okra.

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冬天是喝汤的季节,在寒冷的冬夜,喝一碗热乎乎的罗宋汤是保暖的好方法。Winter and soup go together, eating a bowl of hot borscht is an excellent way to warm up on a cold winter night.

这个时间,一个挡风的帐篷,一床温暖的褥被,一碗热乎乎的面条,一句真诚的问候。This time, keeps out the wind account awning, bed warm quilt and mattress, bowl of chummy noodles, sincere regards.

当你想吃东西,又不想去饭店时,买上两个热乎乎的宫廷御膳包、要上一碗老汤炖制的鸡汤豆腐串或几根新疆大串会让你吃得很爽。You can buy Steamed Bun For Royal and Bean Curd Kebab braized by thin soup or some Xinjiang big kebabs alone the roads.