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大多数金属能导电。Most metals conduct electricity.

所有的金属都能导电。All metals can conduct electricity.

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金属能导热和导电。Metal can carry heat and electricity.

此导电的电离气体就是等离子气体。This conductivity is ionized gas plasma gas.

他之后通过放射将液滴导电。He further charged the droplets by irradiating.

大多数塑料都不容易导电。Most plastics do not readily conduct electricity.

金属通常是良好的导电体。Metals are usually good conductors of electricity.

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试验研究了SFRC的导电能力。The conductivity of SFRC is tested in experiments.

为非导电体,不具腐蚀性。For the non-conductor, does not have corrosiveness.

使用异方性导电膜或异方性导电胶的无铅焊料?。Is any ACF or ACP with lead-free solder particle used?

一导电用大钉钉牢如此创造引起死者。A conductive spike is created thus causing a dead short.

大多数塑料不易传热或导电。Most plastics do not readily conduct heat or electricity.

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导电拖板是起重电气的一种。Extension units is the electrical conductivity of a crane.

研究分析了ZAO薄膜的导电机制。Conducting mechanism of the ZAO thin films was investigated.

人们发现,并非所有金属都有同样好的导电效果。All metals are found not to conduct electricity equally well.

在导电下层上形成绝缘层。An insulating layer is formed above the conductive underlayer.

PEL优选是光学透明和导电的层。The PEL preferably is an optically transparent and conductive layer.

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采用PVD方法在尼龙表面沉积一层导电的碳薄膜。A carbon coating was deposited on nylon fiber by means of PVD method.

人性化安全设计,如安全门、绳索、不导电等。Humane safety design, such as safety door, rope, non-conductive, etc.

有些晶体管,源极和漏极是p型半导体,导电沟道是n型半导体。In some transistors, source and drain are p-type, and channel n-type.