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我不能瞎说。I cannot tell.

这是瞎说吗?Is this a rumor?

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别瞎说!她可是我的女朋友!Says you! She's my girl!

他完全是瞎说。He simply talked nonsense.

她瞎说些什么?What's she blabbering about?

她在瞎说些什么呀?What is she bumbling on about?

别瞎说了。我是和你说正经的。Don't talk rot. I'm being serious.

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你瞎说!你在美国住的时间还不长吧。You're crazy! You haven't been here long enough.

我们分手后,他会打电话给我,瞎说。After we broke up, he would call me and talk rubbish.

在我看来,罗伯特爵士的争辩纯属瞎说。It seemed to me that Sir Robert's arguments were nonsensical.

别瞎说!我可没说过我喜欢杜伦啊!你干吗还胡说啊?Shut up! I never said I liked Duren. Why are you saying that?

别瞎说了。你知道,你这么一说我就开始害怕了。Stop playing around. You know, I get scared when you start talking like this.

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好啦,好啦,既然大家都看不见,那就算我瞎说,咱们回去吧。Good, good, since everybody is invisible, that calculates my talk rubbish , we go back.

他对我瞎说他一定得去参加他表弟的订婚宴会。He gave me some cock-and-bull story about having to be at his cousin's engagement party.

贾布说自己是奉了教主的命令,让任盈盈不要瞎说。JiaBu saying that he himself is to serve the hierarch commands, let let ying ying dont talk nonsense.

你说我第一天上完他的课后,口口声声夸他长得帅?你别瞎说八道了。Of course you would say that. After all, on the first day of class all you did was talk about how cute he was.

莉莉,他决定了,将必须立即开始学习这件事,不然他会被叫进来为了她不尊重别人的瞎说而受到处罚。Lily, he decided, would have to learn that soon, or she would be called in for chastisement because of her insensitive chatter.

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瞎说!“乔伊斯姨婆说,”你们比我有创意得多,我可从来没想过用一个鞋拔子支舀汤。Nonsense! " Aunt Joyce said. "You are much more creative than I am, I'd never have thought of using a shoehorn to serve stew. "

“瞎说八道,佩妮,我在斯麦尔汀学校没挨过饿,“弗农姨父实话实说。”达力吃得不少啦,对吧,儿子?"Nonsense, Petunia, I never went hungry when I was at Smeltings, " said Uncle Vernon heartily. "Dudley gets enough , don't you, son?"

“瞎说八道,佩妮,我在斯麦尔汀学校没挨过饿,“弗农叔叔实话实说。”达力吃得不少啦,对吧,儿子?"Nonsense, Petunia, I never went hungry when I was at Smeltings, " said Uncle Vernon heartily. " Dudley gets enough , don't you, son?"