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把这药方拿到配药处去配药。Take this prescription to the chemist 's.

这是药方。待会儿你拿到药房去配药。Here is a prescription. Take it to the chemist’s.

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医生开处方给病人配药。The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient.

拿这张药方去配药,然后马上去睡觉。Get this prescription filled and go straight to bed.

把这张药方拿到配药处去配药。Take this prescription to the dispensary for your medicine.

配药学的公司在研制对抗H1N1的疫苗。Pharmaceutical companies are developing vaccines against H1N1.

随后,孙峰到医院“看病”配药。Subsequently, Sun Feng to the hospital, "doctor, " dispensing.

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这一问题包括过分自由配药造成的滥用。This includes overuse, when drugs are dispensed too liberally.

配药学研究和生产支持这个计划花了上百万的广告费。PhRMA is spending milli ons on advertising to support the plan.

它可能是必要的,轻轻揉管前配药。It may be necessary to gently knead the tube prior to dispensing.

本药房按方配药,五十年无差错。Our drug store has filled prescriptions without mistakes for fifty years.

每次配药你均须如此请求。However, you must make this request each time you get a prescription filled.

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新型配药器,属于医疗用具技术领域。A novel dispensing device belongs to the technical field of medical appliance.

配药连锁店由于利润幅度紧缩,使用的技工越来越多。As pharmacy chains face squeezes on profit margins, the use of techs is growing.

但是阿司匹林会降低沃热泰克的效果,“配药学家格雷登说。"But aspirin may reduce the effectiveness of Vasotec, " says pharmacologist Graedon.

在美国,醋氨酚配药量过多是导致肝损伤的一个最主要原因。Acetaminophen overdose overdose is a leading cause of liver damage in the United States.

一个配药量过多能慢地引起和水浅的地方呼吸,湿黏的皮肤,抽筋,昏迷或死亡。An overdose can cause slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, or death.

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科罗拉多议会正在制订相关法律以严加管束顾客和配药房。Colorado's legislature is in the process of making things tougher for both customers and dispensaries.

提前一、两天电话预约再配药,以减少在高峰期配药的机率。Call in refills a day or two ahead to lessen chances that your prescription will be filled during busy hours.

妮维雅男士剃须空调配药直接到你的皮肤进行保湿,舒缓刮胡子。Nivea for Men shaving conditioner is dispensed directly onto your skin for a moisturizing and soothing shave.