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烟卷从我的嘴里掉了下来。The cigarette fell out of my lips.

他均匀每日抽一包烟卷儿。He averages one pack of cigarettes a day.

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风把烟卷成一个个奇怪的旋涡。The wind curled the smoke in fanciful whorls.

派克紧张不安地一口接一口抽着烟卷。Pike was puffing away at a cigarette nervously.

他吐着寂寞的烟卷,飘渺的烟雾随风而散。He spat at the lonely cigarette, misty smoke wind.

亲爱的,不用担心。所有烟卷都会着火的。Don't worry, dear. All the cigarette will be set on fire.

他自己曾把阿尔伯特王子牌的烟草卷成烟卷儿吸。He smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled himself.

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他的烟卷盒儿,只要一掏出来,便绕着圈儿递给大家。As soon as he produced a packet of cigarettes he would pass it around.

云舒烟卷试怀抱,月下风前得消息。Yunshu cigarette test arms, was the message the next month before the wind.

但中国大约一半的抽烟男士中,大多数选择烟卷。But of the roughly one in two Chinese men who smoke, the vast majority choose cigarettes.

两人嘴里都叼着烟卷,随即响起了第五次“咔嚓”声。The two men were all holding cigarette in their mouths, then came the fifth sound of "snap".

他抽着烟卷,小口地喝着带托盘的杯子里的黑咖啡,心不在焉地看着杂志。He sucked on the tip of a cigarette, sipped black coffee from a saucer, and scanned a magazine.

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不过他坚持自己并没有在吸食毒品,只不过是在烟卷里洒上了一些切碎的草而已。He insists he wasn't smoking drugs in the video but had sprinkled grass cuttings into the rolled up pages.

他穿着飞行服,紧闭的嘴上总是叨着烟卷,他看上去疲劳、冷酷。In his flying suit, the everlasting cigarette dangling from his compressed mouth, he looked weary and grim.

这个人仔细地打量着我,后来他取下嘴里的烟卷,露出了满嘴黄牙。The man looked at me carefully. Then he took the cigarette out of his mouth and smiled with his yellow teeth.

在经历了一场几近发生的争斗后,拘留室中另一个女孩露西将一支大麻烟卷弹到梅勒妮的大腿上。After witnessing the near-fight, another girl in the holding cell named Lucy flicks a joint into Melanie's lap.

在经历了一场几近发生的争斗后,拘留室中另一个女孩露西将一支大麻烟卷弹到梅勒妮的大腿上。After witnessing the near-fight, another girl in the holding cell named Lucy flicks a joint into Melanie’s lap.

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身量还是那么高,可是那股正气没有了,肩头故意的往前松着些,搭拉着嘴,唇间叼着支烟卷。Still tall, but no longer so vigorous, he purposely let his shoulders sag and kept a cigarette dangling from his lips.

谁都懒得动一下,连说话的心思都没有,大伙儿就那么四仰八叉地躺着,胡子拉扎的脸上撅着自制的烟卷。We were too tired to talk much. We just sprawled about exhaustedly, with home-made cigarettes sticking out of our scrubby faces.

二月二十七日晚,首府台北有位卖烟卷的老妇抗拒一个警察拿走她的烟卷而被枪杀。On the night of February 27, an old woman peddler in the capital at Taipeh refused to give up her cigarettes and was shot by a policeman.