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黑影没有回答。The shadow didn't answer.

在它黑影之上,天门打开了。Above its shadows heaven stood open.

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一条黑影由石屋的门那里投射进来。A shadow fell across the door of the hut.

他一回头,只见有个黑影儿一晃而过。He turned round and saw a shadow flit by.

它奔驰如电,恰似一道朦胧的黑影。It ran like a streak, just a blur of black.

我也是垂直于地面的一张黑影。I too am a dark shape vertical to the earth.

黑影西渐,飞龙肆虐。Westering, the shadow, ravaging, the dragons.

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他向上看——看见一个黑影掠过头顶的树枝。He looks up -- sees one cross a limb overhead.

他盯着卧室里的黑影。He stared out into the shadows of his bedroom.

感到了神圣的黑影在挡住去路!To feel the sacred shadow which forms an obstacle!

突然间,一个黑影出现,把秀珍推到墙上。Suddenly, a shadow appeared, the oyster pushed to the wall.

极大的右的黑影投射在滑铁卢了。The shadow of an enormous right is projected athwart Waterloo.

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月光照在窄窄的街道上,高楼形成大片的黑影。Moonlight on the narrow street, buildings massed in black shadow.

不能。极大的右的黑影投射在滑铁卢了。No. The shadow of an enormous right is projected athwart Waterloo.

车夫,象一个黑影坐在他的座位上,鞭打着他那两匹瘦弱的马。The coachman, a black form on his box, whipped up his thin horses.

他们注视着黑影,他们双膝跪下,两手合十。They gaze on the darkness, they kneel, and they clasp their hands.

窗帘后的黑影,还常被我错看成阿欢。After the shadows of curtains, but also often as I was wrong Ah Foon.

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刹那之间又是那个不可名状的黑影,一闪而过,那究竟是个什么影子呢?What was the nameless shadow which again in that one instant had passed?

一个黑影在我和门之间一闪而过。什么?幻觉?恶魔还是仙人。A dark object moved between the door and me, What? Eidolon? Devil or fairy.

当她看到窗边一个黑影时吓得脸色发青。When she suddenly saw a shadow near the window, she turned white in terror.