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我弟弟你们的阿訇怎么说?My brother What does your Imam say?

纳希和本地清真寺的阿訇在玩西洋双陆棋。Naci was playing backgammon with the imam from the local mosque.

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在罗利市的这个清真寺里,阿訇萨迈赫·阿萨尔在宣讲慈善。Inside the one in Raleigh, Imam Sameh Asal preaches about charity.

星期六的袭击在那所圣祠和圣父阿訇圣祠附近发生。Saturday's attack occurred near that shrine and the Imam Abbas shrine.

不久后这个阿訇和其他的清真寺公使来了。Shortly after this the imaun and the other ministers of the mosque arrived.

“卧尔兹”是阿訇宣传伊斯兰教的重要途径。"Expostulation" is the very important way for Akhund to propagandize for Islamism.

四个邻居把尸体抬到墓地,阿訇跟在后面,念诵一些祝祷词。Four neighbours carried the corpse to the burying-ground, following the imaun, who recited some prayers.

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2009年一位高级阿訇表示,女孩参加激励的运动有可能导致处女膜撕裂,这会有被认为失贞的风险。In 2009 a senior cleric said girls risked losing their virginity by tearing their hymens if they took part in energetic sport.

通过分析调研资料及对调查问卷的抽样分析,本文全面理解、概括了吴忠市阿訇在和谐社会建构中的实践、作用及其意义。By information and analysis in Wuzhong city, the paper completely summarizes the practices, functions and meanings of Akhund in Wuzhong city.

这位名叫法祖尔汗的前阿訇还说,哈桑表示,他想要娶一位跟他一样重视信仰的女人为妻,不过他在这方面的努力失败了。The former imam, Faizul Khan, said that Major Hasan had wanted to marry an equally religious woman but that his efforts to find one had failed.

尚泽尔认为这就证明,萨迈尔·阿萨尔和其他美国的阿訇经常谴责恐怖主义不仅仅是为了公众舆论。Schanzer sees that as evidence that the frequent condemnations of terrorism by Asal and other American imams are not just for public consumption.

他们是恐怖主义者,hirabists,他们一贯地违背可兰经和主流伊斯兰学者和阿訇们的基本教导。They are terrorists, hirabists, who consistently violate the most fundamental teachings of the Holy Koran and mainstream Islamic scholars and imams.

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当时,萨德尔的马赫迪军战士已经占领了这座城市,而且正把阿里阿訇圣祠当作战基地,而那里正是什叶派最神圣的地点之一。Sadr's Mahdi Army fighters had taken over the city and were using the Imam Ali shrine, one of the holiest sites for Shiites, as a base of operations.

阿訇作为伊斯兰教中的宗教精英,是伊斯兰教的继承者、传播者和发扬者,是伊斯兰教义、教法的阐释者和捍卫者。As the elite, Akhund is not only the inheritor and disseminator of Islam, but also the elucidator and defender of Sharia and Islam religious doctrine.

六月份,在这个被残酷的穆斯林阿訇统治的国度里,将会进行一场受到广泛操纵的总统选举,届时可能由于对经济处理不当而爆发社会不满。Ruled by ruthless Muslim mullahs, it faces a largely rigged election for president in June that could uncork social discontent over mishandling of the economy.

高级教职人员,包括皇国大阿訇色柯。阿布度尓。阿兹谴责儿童婚姻,但在保守地区儿童婚姻仍然盛行。Senior clerics, including Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, have denounced child marriage. But it is still prevalent in conservative areas.

在互联网出现很久以前,激进的阿訇们就极好地利用了录影带来传播他们的说教,挤走了温和牧师们的布道。Well before the advent of the internet, radical imams made brilliant use of videocassettes to spread their teachings, drowning out the sermons of milder clerics.

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高级教职人员,包括皇国大阿訇色柯。阿布度尓。阿兹谴责儿童婚姻,但在保守地区儿童婚姻仍然盛行。Senior clerics, including Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti , have denounced child marriage. But it is still prevalent in conservative areas.

就在近期被库尔德工人党杀害的土耳其战士葬礼上,一名国家任命的阿訇对送葬者公然宣称“美国杂种”对他的死有“责任”。At the recent funeral of a Turkish soldier killed by the PKK, a state-appointed imam declared to mourners that "the Armenian bastards" were "responsible" for his death.

并通过走访伊赫瓦尼阿訇和清真寺,及时把握伊赫瓦尼的发展现状的基础上。And shut to tile Buddhist nun ahung and mosque through visiting Iraq, hold on the foundation that Iraq shuts the tile Buddhist nun's current situation of the development in time.