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体罚是常见的。Corporal punishment is common.

体罚是严格禁止的。Corporal punishment is strictly banned.

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是体罚和其他形式的虐待。Physical beatings and other forms of abuse.

你对体罚有什么看法?What do you think of corporeal punishments?

我认为,体罚会助长轻微暴力发生率的上升,I believe that it fosters low level violence,

我们需要的是一个儿童体罚赊购市场。What is needed is a market in child-abuse credits.

你怎样看待学校的体罚做法?What do you think of physical punishment in school?

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你认为体罚应该被允许吗?Do you think that physical punishment should be allowed?

恰当的体罚是必要的,reasonable physical or corporeal punishment is necessary,

他在这所学校里受尽了笞杖体罚之苦。He was subjected to the rod in all its rigors in this school.

嗯,其实我们不许使用体罚。Well, we are not really allowed to use corporeal punishments.

对我个人而言,我觉得体罚有些太过分了。Personally, I would argue that it is a little bit over the top.

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他的师父制定严厉的规定并常常实施体罚。The master had tough standards and dished out many punishments.

“体罚”定义为“对一个人的身体采取的惩罚”。Target ha a "zero tolerence" policy towards corporal punishment.

如果我们允许教师在学校用体罚来管教学生,If we allow teachers to discipline students physically in school,

23个州中,在公共学校内体罚学生同样是合法的。In 23 states corporal punishment is still legal in public schools.

小孩的父亲敲打他的指关节体罚他。The child's father gave a rap on the knuckles as a physical punishment.

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今天我们要讨论「体罚」的正与反论据。Today we are going to discuss the pros and cons of corporal punishment.

参与者并不知她们身处何境-这原本是一项专门关于体罚行为本身的研究。They didn't know they were going to be in a study about spanking per se.

体罚是很常用的,如果孩子违反家里的规矩。Physical punishment was used routinely for infractions of household rules.