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这里的青铜器真精美!How beautiful the bronze wares are!

时期是我国的青铜器时代。The pre-Qin days were China's bronze age.

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金文是雕琢或锻造在青铜器皿上的文字。Jin is carved or cast in bronze containers language.

在高丽王朝,青铜器的使用得到推广进步。During the Goryeo period the use of bronze was advanced.

在中国古代,商朝生产青铜器。In ancient China, Shang Dynasty teemed with the bronzes.

简单的铜锁出现于青铜器时代。Simple and plain bronze locks appeared in the Bronze Age.

经过了青铜器时代、铁器时代,接下来呢,就是黄金时代了。After the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, then came the Gold Era.

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我国最大的青铜器是司母戊大方鼎。The Simuwu Great Tripod is China's biggest piece of bronze ware.

我国最大的青铜器是司母戊大方鼎。The Simuwu Rectangle Ding is China's biggest piece of bronze ware.

早在三千六百多年前,中国就已经有青铜器了。As early as 3,600 years ago, bronze objects were already made in China.

周秦王朝的发祥地,著名的青铜器之乡。Weeks the birthplace of the qin dynasty, famous bronze of the township.

偏碱性土壤中,碱性越强对青铜器的腐蚀越严重。The more alkaline of the soil is, the more serious corrosion on the bronze.

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约在公元前3000年,克里特岛上的居民已经进入青铜器时代。About 3000 BC, the inhabitant of the island has entered the Bronze Ware Period.

然而,这两个大型青铜器都是非同寻常的德干在同一时期。However, these two bronzes are unusually large for the Deccan in the same period.

折回到水晶球体旁他发现从青铜器的手中很容易地取出水晶球,就带着水晶球离开了金字塔。With the crystal sphere in his right hand he then made his way out of the pyramid.

刀、斧、钺、戈等兵器是当时青铜器中的大宗。Bronze weapons unearthed so far are mostly swords, axes, axe-spears and dagger-axes.

殷商是青铜器龙纹发展的黄金时期。Shang dynasty is the golden period for the development of dragon patterns on bronze.

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本文采用考古学方法,从青铜器、陶器、漆器、葬俗等方面,探讨了楚文化对晚期蜀文化的影响。Before Qin conquered Shu, Chu culture takes a leading impact on the late Shu culture.

精灵的工人们将不再需要科技制作青铜器才能在森林里建设施。Elven workers no longer require bronze working to place improvements on forest plots.

这两件器皿是受托于下月拍卖的五件青铜器中的两件,出自同一收藏家。The pieces are among five bronzes consigned for sale next month by the same collector.