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买东西不要心血来潮。Don’t buy on impulse.

相反,你可以一时的心血来潮,买花给她一个惊喜。Instead, give on a whim.

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她心血来潮买了一顶帽子。She brainstormed and bought a hat.

她心血来潮买了一顶帽子。She bought a hat on a sudden impulse.

我今天心血来潮,起了个大早跑到健身中心一阵猛练。I got up really early today just for going to the gym.

我一吮心血来潮,琶起话筒就给遮澳大利亚的拿妹大了个电话。On I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia.

麦克梯格忽然心血来潮想出一个主意,这倒真是个好主意。All at once mcteague had an idea, a veritable inspiration.

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可是,我仍然无法全盘接受这心血来潮的观念。Still, I am not fully confident in these newly formed values.

她最近心血来潮想到撒哈拉沙漠去野营!Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert!

突然心血来潮,给大家写这个单手偷顶!Take it into one's head suddenly, write the single hand to steal top!

正如韦斯顿太太所说的,“年轻人都有点心血来潮。”As Mrs. Weston observed, 'all young people would have their little whims.

总是屈服于小孩的物质欲望对他来说没有任何的帮助,对于小孩无休止的心血来潮和消费要求要学会说“不”。Always giving in to your kid's materialistic desires doesn't do her any favors.

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有时是趁她在睡觉的时候,遇到我心血来潮气得发疯,就会去掐她一下。In her sleep, or sometimes I would get so mad and just come up quick and do it.

那些轻松,愉快,和有时候的心血来潮,全都从街道上消失了。The sense of ease, cheerfulness, and spontaneity has vanished from the streets.

在新法案规定下,信用卡公司不能凭着心血来潮随意提高贷款利率。Under the new rules, credit-card companies can't jack up interest rates on a whim.

衣着往往随着时尚潮流的趋势和心血来潮而发生变化。Clothing has always been subject to change based on the dictates of fashion and whims.

如果你是那种喜欢定计划的人,试试心血来潮的做事。If you are the type of person who likes to have a plan, try a day of being spontaneous.

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也许是作为挑战式的答复,也许仅仅是心血来潮,冈扎勒士走进一所最近的大学。In defiant response or perhaps just as a lark, Gonzalez walked into the closest college.

切不要因一时的心血来潮而购置一件不和谐的家具。Cut do not purchase a disharmonious furniture because of temporarily be seized by a whim.

当然了,在关系密切的朋友之间,一时心血来潮邀请对方也是一件很常见的事。Of course, among close friends it is very common to issue spur of the moment invitations.