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这有点赘述。This is tautology.

这项声明是一种赘述。That statement is a tautology.

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对此我不想赘述I don't want to overstate this.

我知道答案有点赘述。I realize that answer is somewhat tautological.

勿需赘述,我们只有背靠大树,才好挣钱!Needless to say, we are only backed by a tree, do make money!

用耳朵听'和`分成四个四分之一'是赘述。Hear with one's ears' and 'divide into four quarters' are pleonasms.

那些规范化的痛苦细节以及为什么这样做是糟糕的我都不想赘述了。I won’t go into the painful details of canonicalization and why this is bad.

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至于比利时的经典,比如撒尿小孩于连的雕像,就不用赘述了。As for Belgium's classic, such as pee in even the statue of the child, do not need.

关于伊拉克战争的纠结争论已经众所周知,在此不再赘述。The wrenching debate over the Iraq War is well-known and need not be repeated here.

没有赘述,也没有借用的词语之类的,我肯定你会写出很好的批评文章。No padding, no borrowed phrases and such, and I am certain you will write good criticism.

还有其他若虫和女性谁遭受了同样的命运,但我不会赘述。There are other nymphs and women who suffered similar fates, but I will not go into them.

但是英国在1672-1674年第三次英荷战争中表现消沉,在此毋需赘述。English effort in the third Anglo-Dutch conflict of 1672-1674 requires minimal space here.

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所以对于样式表的基础知识,在此仅简单介绍,恕不赘述。Therefore, style sheets for the basic knowledge, in this only briefly, not to go into details.

我知道大家都很熟悉“安全申明”,在此我就不赘述了。I know you all are quite familiar with the Safe Harbor Statement, so I won't belabor this slide.

希腊局势急转直下,最后可能会发生违约,这一点已经得到媒体的充分报道,无需赘述。No need retelling the well-reported slide of Greece into what will likely be an eventual default.

毋庸赘述,轴心国的入侵将美国转化为一个军工业巨头。Needless to say, Axis aggression transformed the United States into a military-industrial colossus.

许多网站和书籍对良好的倾听力都有描述,我就不再赘述。Since there are many websites and books that explain good listening skills, I won’t list them here.

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我们用一个叫作autochthony的工具整理了我们的研究成果,不过在这里就不赘述了,那又是另一个话题。Our findings have been documented in a tool called autochthony, but that’s a story in its own right.

但是英国在1672-1674年第三次英荷战争中表现消沉,在此毋需赘述。The dismal English effort in the third Anglo-Dutch conflict of 1672-1674 requires minimal space here.

有这么多有益健康的原因让人吃植物食品,这样,在这方面再加赘述就显得多余了。There are so many healthy reasons to eat vegetables that it feels redundant to keep enumerating them.