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其间便有我居住的地方。Of where I would reside!

云朵飘过其间。Where the clouds float thro.

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编织了迷网却迷失其间。We've weaved a web of mystery.

古庙、亭台点缀其间。Temple, pavilions dotted the meantime.

却失去了享受了其间的无穷乐趣。You miss half the fun of getting there.

他们却说,我们不行在其间。But they said, We will not walk therein.

莫道身躯小,圣人寓其间。A little body often harbours a great soul.

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神在其间为太阳安设帐幕。In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun

其间的利润啊,惹得天怒人怨!With God and man's abhorrence for its gains.

天空就是蔚蓝色,云朵飘过其间。The sky is blue where the clouds float thro'.

其间,露易丝阿姨走得喘不过气来。As they did, Aunt Louise grew short of breath.

那是九年前的事了,其间换过两任美国总统。It was nine years and two American Presidents ago.

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今天,弥漫其间的优雅风姿依然如故。Today the time-honored elegance still pervades it.

黑鹂的阴影在其间来回穿越。The shadow of the blackbird Crossed it, to and fro.

他们已经仔细搜遍了其间绵延数英里的高沼地。They had scoured the intervening miles of moorland.

而一旦抵制这种状态,你会深陷其间难以自拔。When you resist the state you’re in, you perpetuate it.

我的意思是其间在海洋上他用了卑鄙手法.I mean he used mean means in the meantime on the ocean.

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其间,洪老太送给志忠一块地,作为增资之用。Meanwhile, Old Madam Hong gives Zhizhong a piece of land.

但与此同时,中国人的苛求也在其间展现的淋漓尽致。But at the same time the Chinese want their pound of flesh.

桑伯恩提出的方案是用希腊字来把要表达的内容隐藏其间。Sanborn named his proposal after the Greek word for hidden.