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能不能快点,急用,谢谢。Can quickly, urgent need, thank you.

你要存钱,以备急用。Save money for yourself in case of emergencies.

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准备好信号设备,供急用。Have signaling equipment ready for immediate use.

我急用一笔贷款或者透支款,以扩展生意。I need a loan or overdraft to expand my business.

在线等,谢谢各位了,我急用!!!On-line etc. , thank everyone, my urgent use! ! !

小猫急用,希望在两天内翻完。Kitten urgent need, hope in two days after double.

她手头总放着一本词典以备急用。She always has a dictionary by her for urgent use.

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请您帮我打印这份通知,急用。Would you please type this notice?It's rather urgent.

缴保费像是为未来急用而预留的一笔钱。Insurance premiums are like money put aside for a rainy day.

谁有VB源码反编译工具,急用,我给100分。Who VB source code decompilation tools, emergency, I give 100

钱总是不够用,根本不可能节省下来以备急用。Money is always scarce and there is none saved for emergencies.

我去问我妈,她说家里急用钱拿去当了。I went to my mom, and she said she pawned it because we needed the money.

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不过明天我们要花大量时间去买一部新的相机以作急用!But on the next day we had to spend lots of time to get a new camera in emergency!

第105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快出货速度。The order No. 105 is urgently required so we have to ask you to speed up shipment.

第108号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快出货速度。The order No. 108 is urgently required so we have to ask you to speed up shipment.

第105号订単所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。the order no. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.

有可能是急用或什麽的,万一他很需要这笔钱看医生什麽的。Perhaps it was for an emergency. Maybe the owner really needed the money to see the doctor.

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男人逛商店只买自己急用的东西,女人逛商店每样都想买。Men only shopping to buy their own emergency things, women want to buy every kind of shopping.

不过无论使用哪种方式,身边都记得准备一点急用现金以防万一。No matter which method you choose to use, remember to prepare enough cash on you, just in case.

“您的发票是要以公司单位名称来开还是以个人名称来开呢?”麻烦各位翻译一下这句话,急用!Would you PLS confirm if I should make the invoice with your personal name or your company name?